
Postman Authentication sample

An authentication call enables you to gain access to your Network instance.

Authentication consists of the following steps:

  • You provide a Network user name and password in the body of the POST request, and receive a session ID in response.
  • You must pass this session ID as the value for the authorization HTTP header for all subsequent API requests.


This API enables user authentication. User credentials are passed using POST data; for example, with the -d parameter in a curl request.

You can only authenticate with a Network user name defined by an administrator.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
POST data

The Network user ID; for example,


The Network password for the user ID.

The status of the response.
The session ID for subsequent API calls. This should be set with an authorization header.
An ID number for the authenticated user.
An ID number for the Network instance most recently accessed by the authenticated user.
Details about each Network instance the authenticated user can access:
  • id - An ID number for the authenticated user.
  • name - The name of the Network instance.
  • url - The Network URL used for subsequent API calls.
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-d "username={username}&password={password}"
   "networkIds" : [
         "name" : "VEEVANETWORK",
         "url" : "",
         "id" : 500
   "networkId" : "500",
   "userId" : 552,
   "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS",
   "sessionId" : "2DC1C11F33010EBE49042B9CA1E9C74B6ED9E7C169D08C4B395B2C5459CD1C133BBFE77DBDEE8A7BEEC6C3D011E180303A2D86121A122D978174229F9F5B3350E0BE80F2C5EB53F75A930A636DBAE530"

Associating custom keys

This API enables you to associate or disassociate custom keys with entities and child entities.

Associate custom key to entity

This API enables you to submit external key identifiers when new HCPs or HCOs are downloaded from Network without going through the full change request process.

The external identifier is associated to the entity (vid_key) specified in the URL.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permissions.

  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version
  • vid_key is the key for the entity you want to associate
The source of the new key.
The item type for the new key.
The value for the new key.
The name of the system for the new key.
The status of the response.


responseStatus returns a failure if any standard errors occur or:

  • vid_key does not represent an existing entity.
  • The entity specified by vid_key is not a supported entity.
  • The keys specified are already in use by a different entity.


  • system_name parameter introduced in version 3.0.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"

Batch associate custom keys to entities

This API enables you to submit external key identifiers whenever new HCPs or HCOs are downloaded from Network without going through the full change request process.

The external identifiers are associated to the entities (vid_key) specified in the request.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permissions.

  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version

This API takes no parameters.

POST data
An array of objects:
The status of the response.
An array of error messages:
  • type - the error type.
  • message - a detailed message for the error type. This message is subject to change and is not contractual for error handling.


responseStatus returns a failure or a status of PARTIAL_SUCCESS if any standard errors occur or:

  • vid_key does not represent an existing entity.
  • The entity specified by vid_key is not a supported entity.
  • The keys specified are already in use by a different entity.
  • More than 500 operations are made in the rquest; batch calls are limited to 500 operations.
curl -i -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d "@ckeys_postdata.json" ''
  "entities": [
      "vid_key": "Network:Entity:291256782200767488",
      "custom_key_source_type": "VCRM",
      "custom_key_item_type": "ENTITY",
      "custom_key_value": "123123123123",
      "system_name": "VCRM"
      "vid_key": "Network:Entity:291256782200767400",
      "custom_key_source_type": "VCRM",
      "custom_key_item_type": "ENTITY",
      "custom_key_value": "123456789",
      "system_name": "VCRM"
      "vid_key": "Network:Entity:291256796914385922",
      "custom_key_source_type": "VCRM",
      "custom_key_item_type": "ENTITY",
      "custom_key_value": "987654321",
      "system_name": "VCRM"
  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"
  "responseStatus": "PARTIAL_SUCCESS",
  "errors": [
      "type": "INVALID_DATA",
      "message": "No entity found with the given Id 291256782200767400"

Associate custom key to children

This API enables you to submit external key identifiers when new children (address, license, or parent HCOs) are downloaded from Network without going through the full change request process.

The external identifier is associated to the children (children_key) specified in the URL.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permissions.

  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version
  • children_key is the key of the child entities
  • vid_key is the key of the HCO you want to associate
The source of the new key.
The item type for the new key.
The value for the new key.
The name of the system for the new key.
The status of the response.


responseStatus returns a failure if any standard errors occur or:

  • vid_key does not represent an existing entity.
  • children_key does not represent any existing child entities.
  • The entity specified by vid_key is not a supported entity.
  • The entity specified by children_key is not a supported child entity.
  • The keys specified are already in use by a different entity.


  • system_name introduced in version 3.0.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"

Batch associate custom key to children

This API enables you to submit external key identifiers when new children (address, license, or parent HCOs) are downloaded from Network without going through the full change request process.

The external identifiers are associated to the children (children_key) specified in the request.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permissions.

  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version

This API takes no parameters.

POST data
An array of objects:
The status of the response.
An array of error messages:
  • type - the error type.
  • message - a detailed message for the error type. This message is subject to change and is not contractual for error handling.


responseStatus returns a failure or a status of PARTIAL_SUCCESS if any standard errors occur or:

  • vid_key does not represent an existing entity.
  • children_key does not represent any existing child entities.
  • The entity specified by vid_key is not a supported entity.
  • The entity specified by children_key is not a supported child entity.
  • The keys specified are already in use by a different entity.
  • More than 500 operations are made in the request; batch calls are limited to 500 operations.
curl -i -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d "@childkeys_postdata.json" ''
  "entities": [
      "vid_key": "Network:Entity:291256782200767488",
      "child_type": "licenses",
      "child_key": "Network:License:291256858360939523",
      "custom_key_source_type": "VCRM",
      "custom_key_item_type": "LICENSE",
      "custom_key_value": "123456789",
      "system_name": "VCRM"
      "vid_key": "Network:Entity:291256748453397507",
      "child_type": "addresses",
      "child_key": "Network:Address:291256848747594752",
      "custom_key_source_type": "VCRM",
      "custom_key_item_type": "ADDRESS",
      "custom_key_value": "123123123123",
      "system_name": "VCRM"
      "vid_key": "Network:Entity:291256757999633408",
      "child_type": "parent_hcos",
      "child_key": "Network:ParentHCO:291256757999633600",
      "custom_key_source_type": "VCRM",
      "custom_key_item_type": "CHILDACCOUNT",
      "custom_key_value": "987654321",
      "system_name": "VCRM"
  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"

Disassociate custom key

This API enables you to deactivate external key identifiers for any entity (an HCP, HCO, Address, License, or ParentHCO) in Network without going through the full change request process.

The external identifier (vid_key) specified in the URL is disassociated from the entity.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permissions.

  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version
  • vid_key is the key for the entity you want to deactivate
This API takes no parameters.
The status of the response.


responseStatus returns a failure if any standard errors occur or:

  • vid_key does not represent an existing custom key.
  • The key specified is already inactive.

Inactivated keys will not match again; a new associate API call for an inactivated key will create a new key.

curl DELETE -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"

Batch disassociate custom key

This API enables you to inactivate external key identifiers for any entity (HCP, HCO, Address, License, or ParentHCO) in Network without going through the full change request process.

The external identifier is disassociated from the entities (vid_key) specified in the request.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permissions.

  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version

This API takes no parameters.

POST data
An array of objects:
  • vid_key - The external HCP, HCO, address, license, or parent HCO vid_key supplied by the client.
The status of the response.
An array of error messages:
  • type - the error type.
  • message - a detailed message for the error type. This message is subject to change and is not contractual for error handling.


responseStatus returns a failure or a status of PARTIAL_SUCCESS if any standard errors occur:

  • vid_key does not represent an existing entity.
  • Inactivated keys will not match again; a new associate API call for an inactivated key will create a new key.

Batch API calls are limited to 500 operations per call. Attempts to submit more operations result in a failure of all operations.

curl -i -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d "@ckeys_postdata.json" ''
  "entities": [
      "vid_key": "VCRM:ENTITY:291256782200767500"
      "vid_key": "VCRM:LICENSE:123456789"
      "vid_key": "VCRM:ADDRESS:123123123123"
  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"

Manage change requests

Change requests are the standard method used to submit changes in Network. They enable you to create change requests to add, update, merge, or split HCPs and HCOs. If successful, each change request record received is responded to with a unique Network change request ID and date/time value upon reception.

Address, license, and parent HCO information, including their custom keys, are part of each HCP and HCO. To add a new address, license, or parent HCO (including new custom keys) to either an HCP or HCO, you use the Create change request API. You can provide the vid_key of the HCP or HCO and the external ID of the new address, license, or parent HCO for more efficient processing.

Change request APIs to delete entities are not available, as information in Network cannot be deleted. For HCPs and HCOs, a change request for the Status field is the standard method to deactivate resources. Addresses, licenses, and parent HCOs follow the same procedure as part of the HCP or HCO in the Network data model.

The fields of any entity call are the properties for the corresponding entity. The metadata retrieve calls enable you view all fields for a particular entity. The data model also describes the fields required to create any resources, as well as any group of fields that must be submitted all together, if any of them changes (for example, address fields for regular mail).

Create a change request

This API enables you to create a Network change request to add or update an HCP or HCO and related entities (including addresses, licenses, or parent HCOs).


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version

This API takes no parameters.

POST data
Boolean type. Request to reserve a Veeva ID immediately when an add request is submitted.
Details about the request being made. The details are saved in the entity history if the change is accepted (an array of fields within itself):
The entity type of the change request (HCP or HCO).
The external HCP or HCO vid_key supplied by the client and used for change request updates. Ignored if provided for add requests.
Override the workflow settings for creating unverified records. If True, an unverified record is created with the DCR. If False, only the DCR is created. If not specified, the workflow settings persist.
Details of the changes, one per field, for the entity provided:
Details for all change request attachments to include. Attachments are sent through the API using base64 encoding:
The status of the response from Network.
The ID of the change request generated in Network.


  • Addresses, licenses, and parent HCOs are an array of fields within themselves. There can be multiple addresses, licenses, or parent HCOs created for the same entity (HCP or HCO) at the same time.
curl -i -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d "@dcrs_postdata.json" ''
Sample POST data - Sample POST data - Add request for an HCP with addresses, license, and parentHCO, with attachments
  "metadata": {
    "creator": "",
    "note": "John Smith is a new doctor in the Network Hospital",
    "source": "Veeva CRM"
  "entity_type": "HCP",
  "entity": {
    "first_name__v": "John",
    "last_name__v": "Smith",
    "medical_degree__v": "DMD",
    "specialty_1__v": "OBY",
    "gender__v": "m",
    "email_1__v": "",
    "addresses__v": [
        "address_line_1__v": "326 Harolds Drive",
        "locality__v": "Huntsville",
        "ISO_3166_2__v": "US",
        "postal_code_primary__v": "35806",
        "is_primary_address__v": false
    "licenses__v": [
        "address_vid_key": "Network:Address:215249678634058760",
        "license_number__v": "1256987",
        "type__v": "ADDRESS",
        "type_value__v": "",
        "body__v": "ALMD",
        "effective_date__v": "2010-05-05",
        "expiration_date__v": "2013-12-31"
    "parent_hcos__v": [
        "parent_hco_vid_key": "Network:HCO:215249678634058752",
        "is_primary_relationship__v": false,
        "relationship_type__v": "10"
    "attachments": [
        "file_name": "196.heif.png",
        "file_caption": "HCP1",
        "file_content_type": "image/heif",
        "format": "base64",
        "file_source_id": "1688665744000",
        "file_data": "LDJ9NC1DNFkpN20y4tLmM0JVBERi0xLjQNCjUgMCBvYmoNCjw8DQovVHlwZSAvWE9iamVjdA0KL1N1YnSAwIFIvSW5mbyAxMjYgMCB"
        "file_name": "243.heif",
        "file_caption": "HCP2",
        "file_content_type": "image/heif",
        "format": "base64",
        "file_source_id": "1688665758000",
        "file_data": "bm5gLDJ9NC1DNFkpN20y4tLmM0JVBERi0xLjQNCjUgMCBvYmoNCjw8DQovVHlwZSAvWE9iamVjdA0KL1N1YnR5cGUgMSA"
Sample POST data - Change request for an HCP to update primary flag on an existing address using Network vid_key, and a new address to be added to the existing HCP
    "metadata": {
    "creator": "",
    "note": "Update John Smith Adddress and Primary Flags",
    "source": "Veeva CRM"
  "entity_type": "HCP",
  "vid_key": "Network:HCP:214065474881717253",
  "entity": {
    "addresses__v": [
        "vid_key": "Network:Address:215249678634058760",
        "is_primary_address__c": true
        "address_line_1__v": "470 Main Street",
        "locality__v": "Huntsville",
        "ISO_3166_2__v": "US",
        "postal_code_primary__v": "35540",
        "is_primary_address__c": false
Sample POST data - Add request for an HCO with address
  "metadata": {
    "creator": "",
    "note": null,
    "source": "Veeva CRM"
  "entity_type": "HCO",
  "entity": {
    "hco_type__v": "Hospital",
    "corporate_name__v": "Hospital Veeva Network",
    "specialty_1__v": "OBY",
    "specialty_2__v": "GYN",
    "count_beds__v": 500,
    "count_employees__v": 130,
    "count_medstaff__v": 70,
    "count_patients__v": 20,
    "count_locations__v": null,
    "dispense_med__v": false,
    "training_facility__v": true,
    "email_1__v": "",
    "phone_1__v": "18664683400",
    "phone_2__v": "18664683401",
    "fax_1__v__v": "18664683402",
    "URL_1__v": "",
    "addresses__v": [
        "address_line_1__v": "326 Harolds Drive",
        "building_name__v": "Sterling Building",
        "locality__v": "Huntsville",
        "country__v": "US",
        "postal_code__v": "35806",
        "is_primary__v": true
Sample POST data - Change request to update an HCO corporate name and URL using Network vid_keys
  "metadata": {
    "creator": "",
    "note": "Update Hospital Name and URL",
    "source": "Veeva CRM"
  "entity_type": "HCO",
  "vid_key": "Network:HCO:214065474881717253",
  "entity": {
    "corporate_name__v": "",
    "URL_1__v": ""
Sample POST data - Change request to update an HCO corporate name, address information, and inactivate a parentHCO using a combination of Network and Custom vid_keys
  "metadata": {
    "creator": "",
    "system": "CRM",
    "note": "Update Hospital Name, Address, and inactivate parent hco affiliation",
    "source": "Veeva CRM"
  "entity_type": "HCO",
  "vid_key": "CRM:HCO:12345",
  "entity": {
    "corporate_name__v": "Rename Hospital",
    "addresses__v": [
        "vid_key": "VCRM:Address:001A000000hTapw",
        "address_line_1__v": "100 Second Street."
    "parent_hcos__v": [
        "vid_key": "Network:ParentHCO:291256757999633600",
        "parent_hco_status__v": "I"
   "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
   "change_request_id": 63259874100112589  
    "responseStatus": "FAILURE",
    "responseMessage": "Change requests are not supported for: EMPLOYEE__C.",
    "errors": [
            "type": "UNSUPPORTED_TYPE",
            "message": "Change requests are not supported for: EMPLOYEE__C."
    "errorType": "UNSUPPORTED_TYPE"

Cancel change request


  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version
  • change_request_id is the ID of the change request to cancel

This API takes no parameters.

The status of the response.
The change request ID.


  • You can only delete a change request if processing has not yet started. Once a change request is being processed, a delete call results in an automatic rejection error.
  • If the delete call is processed successfully, the status of the change request is updated to cancelled (soft delete). Use the Retrieve Change Request API to retrieve further information on cancelled change requests.
curl DELETE -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
   "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
   "change_request_id": 63259874100112589  

Retrieve Change Request

This API enables you to retrieve response information for the create, update, and merge change requests submitted by a client application.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • change_request_ids - A comma separated list of change request IDs.

Retrieve change requests of a specific status from the IDs provided.

Return target aliases specified for this system as well as the external customer keys associated to it. If a system is not provided, Network will return default reference value codes and empty external custom keys.
Return the full entity or entities related to the requested change requests. An entity for a change request is determined from the entity identifier (vid__v) of the change request.
Include change requests modified after the specified date (exclusive). This value is specified in epoch time in milliseconds.
Include change requests modified on or before the specified date (inclusive). This value is specified in epoch time in milliseconds.
Include details for attachments in the change request.

The status of the response.


resolution_notes - An array of comments containing notes added during change request processing.

metadata -

attachments - Details for attachments in the change request.

entity - Details of the response changes, one per field, for the entity provided.

errors - Errors in retrieving the requested change requests.

parent_task_ids - List of parent task IDs.

result__v - The change request result.

status__v - The change request status.

completed_date - The completed date for the change request. If the change request is not completed, this value is empty. The date format uses the ISO8601 standard.

taskCountry - The country code of the entity.

created_date - The creation date of the change request. The date uses the ISO8601 standard.

entity_type - The entity type of the change request: HCP or HCO.

vid_key - The external HCP or HCO vid_key supplied by the client in the original change request.

original_task_type - The original change request type.

change_request_id - The change request ID.

vid__v - The ID of the entity: HCP or HCO.

task_type - The final change request type as an add request. Could become a change request.

Field results
The change for this field has been accepted.
The change for this field has been rejected.
The change for this field has been accepted with differences .
The change for this field has already been applied.
The change for this field was added to the change request after creation.
Child object attributes
The external vid_key supplied by the client in the original change request.
The Veeva ID of the entity.

The Network API name of the entity's field for the HCP or HCO.

  • change_requested - The value of the requested change.
  • final_value - The new value of the field.
  • result -


  • Addresses, licenses, and parent HCOs are an array of fields within themselves. There could be multiple addresses or licenses responses for the same HCP or HCO matching the change request submitted originally.
  • The overall result of the change request will be null until all the changes requested are reviewed and the status is PROCESSED or CANCELLED.


  • The object_id__v field is supported in Network v4.0 and later.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
   "change_requests" : [
         "created_date" : "2016-12-08T13:59:22.000-08:00",
         "original_task_type" : "ADD_REQUEST",
         "entity" : {
            "kaiser__v" : {
               "change_requested" : "N",
               "result" : null,
               "final_value" : null
            "pdrp_optout__v" : {
               "final_value" : null,
               "result" : null,
               "change_requested" : "N"
            "fellow__v" : {
               "final_value" : null,
               "change_requested" : "N",
               "result" : null
            "first_name__v" : {
               "result" : "CHANGE_ACCEPTED",
               "change_requested" : "Tim",
               "final_value" : "Tim"
            "last_name__v" : {
               "change_requested" : "Othy",
               "result" : null,
               "final_value" : null
            "primary_country__v" : {
               "final_value" : null,
               "result" : null,
               "change_requested" : "US"
            "hcp_status__v" : {
               "change_requested" : "A",
               "result" : null,
               "final_value" : null
            "grad_training__v" : {
               "change_requested" : "N",
               "result" : null,
               "final_value" : null
            "custype__c" : {
               "final_value" : null,
               "result" : null,
               "change_requested" : "4:37"
            "ama_do_not_contact__v" : {
               "final_value" : null,
               "change_requested" : "N",
               "result" : null
            "hcp_type__v" : {
               "final_value" : null,
               "change_requested" : "P",
               "result" : null
            "testtesttest__c" : {
               "change_requested" : "False",
               "result" : null,
               "final_value" : null
         "status__v" : "CHANGE_PARTIALLYPROCESSED",
         "vid__v" : "929455217958715423",
         "reserved_vid" : null,
         "change_request_id" : "929455217942072479",
         "entity_type" : "HCP",
         "metadata" : {
            "system" : null,
            "source" : "Entity Profile Editor",
            "creator" : "",
            "note" : "New record added via Network portal."
         "attachments": [
               "file_name": "196.heif",
               "file_caption": "HCP1",
               "file_content_type": "image/heif",
               "file_source_id": "1688665744000",
               "file_status": "SUCCESS",
               "name": "943805201003187359",
               "file_size": 2593013,
               "timestamp": 1700190526000,
               "can_send_attachment_to_opendata": true
               "file_name": "243.heif",
               "file caption": "HCP2",
               "file_content_type": "image/heif",
               "file_source_id": "1688665758000",
               "file status": "SUCCESS",
               "name": "943805201006660767",
               "file_size": 2465548,
               "timestamp": 1700190526000,
               "can_send_attachment_to_opendata": true
         "result__v" : null,
         "parent_task_ids" : [],
         "taskCountry" : "US",
         "vid_key" : null,
         "task_type" : "ADD_REQUEST",
         "resolution_notes" : [
               "comment" : "fas",
               "created_date" : "2016-12-19T07:46:39.766-08:00",
               "code" : null,
               "fields" : [
         "completed_date" : null
   "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS"
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ',544411763097994240?status=CHANGE_PROCESSED&status=CHANGE_CANCELLED'

Batch retrieve change request

This API enables you to obtain information about multiple change requests through the API.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version

This API takes no parameters.

POST data

An array of change request IDs.

  • change_request_id - The ID of the change request generated in Network.
Return target aliases specified for this system as well as the external customer keys associated to it. If a system is not provided, Network will return default reference value codes and empty external custom keys.
A list of status codes.
Return the full entity or entities related to the requested change requests. An entity for a change request is determined from the entity identifier (vid__v) of the change request.
Include change requests modified after the specified date (exclusive). This value is specified in epoch time in milliseconds.
Include change requests modified on or before the specified date (inclusive). This value is specified in epoch time in milliseconds.
Include details for attachments in the change request.

The status of the response.


metadata -

attachments - Details for attachments in the change request.

entity - Details of the response changes, one per field, for the entity provided.

errors - Errors in retrieving the requested change requests.

parent_task_ids - List of parent task IDs.

result__v - The change request result.

status__v - The change request status.

completed_date - The completed date for the change request. If the change request is not completed, this value is empty. The date format uses the ISO8601 standard.

taskCountry - The country code of the entity.

created_date - The creation date of the change request. The date uses the ISO8601 standard.

entity_type - The entity type of the change request: HCP or HCO.

vid_key - The external HCP or HCO vid_key supplied by the client in the original change request.

original_task_type - The original change request type.

change_request_id - The change request ID.

vid__v - The ID of the entity: HCP or HCO.

task_type - The final change request type as an add request. Could become a change request.

An array of entities associated with the change requests. Each entity is related to a change request through the vid__v field.
Field results
The change for this field has been accepted.
The change for this field has been rejected.
The change for this field has been accepted with differences .
The change for this field has already been applied.
The change for this field was added to the change request after creation.
Child object attributes
The external vid_key supplied by the client in the original change request.
The Veeva ID of the entity.

The Network API name of the entity's field for the HCP or HCO.

  • change_requested - The value of the requested change.
  • final_value - The new value of the field.
  • result -


  • Version 5.0 added the CHANGE_ADDED result for fields added after DCR creation.
  • Version 6.0 included errors in the response for change requests that are not found.
  • Version 7.0 added master_keys, external_custom_keys (when systemName provided, task_type, and original_task_type for easier downstream integration.
  • Version 8.0 added a parameter to include related entities in the response.
  • Version 10.0 added parent_task_ids for change requests, and introduced the CHANGE_INQUEUE status (status__v).
curl -i -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d "@dcrs_postdata.json" ''
  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "change_requests": [
      "metadata": {
        "creator": "",
        "note": "Customer Master changes applied",
        "source": "Entity Profile Editor",
        "system": "ERP1"
      "entity": {
        "specialty_2__v": {
          "change_requested": "MT",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_REJECTED"
        "external_custom_keys": [
      "taskCountry": "US",
      "task_type": "CHANGE_REQUEST",
      "original_task_type": "CHANGE_REQUEST",
      "change_request_id": "493664636982264832",
      "status__v": "CHANGE_PROCESSED",
      "result__v": "CHANGE_REJECTED",
      "entity_type": "HCP",
      "vid_key": "Network:Entity:462463289150931969",
      "vid__v": "462463289150931969",
      "resolution_notes": [
          "comment": "System Rejected - Can't update an INVALID/MERGED-INTO record",
          "fields": [
          "created_date": "2014-12-15T17:20:09.620-06:00",
          "code": "R-10001"
      "created_date": "2014-10-08T16:38:47.000-05:00",
      "completed_date": "2014-12-15T17:20:11.000-06:00"
      "metadata": {
        "creator": "",
        "note": "Customer Master changes applied",
        "source": "Entity Profile Editor",
        "system": null
      "entity": {
        "external_custom_keys": [
        "parent_hcos__v": [
            "vid_key": "Network:ParentHCO:477715384619762691",
            "vid__v": "477715384619762691",
            "object_id": "527723032584651776",
            "is_primary_relationship__v": {
              "change_requested": "N",
              "final_value": null,
              "result": null
            "external_custom_keys": [
      "taskCountry": "US",
      "task_type": "CHANGE_REQUEST",
      "original_task_type": "CHANGE_REQUEST",
      "change_request_id": "527723033129911296",
      "status__v": "CHANGE_PENDINGREVIEW",
      "result__v": null,
      "entity_type": "HCP",
      "vid_key": "Network:Entity:469466290176656385",
      "vid__v": "469466290176656385",
      "resolution_notes": null,
      "created_date": "2014-11-24T15:26:44.000-06:00",
      "completed_date": null
  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "change_requests": [
      "metadata": {
        "creator": "",
        "note": "Customer Master changes applied",
        "source": "Entity Profile Editor",
        "system": "ERP1"
      "entity": {
        "specialty_2__v": {
          "change_requested": "MT",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_REJECTED"
        "external_custom_keys": [
      "taskCountry": "US",
      "task_type": "CHANGE_REQUEST",
      "original_task_type": "CHANGE_REQUEST",
      "change_request_id": "493664636982264832",
      "status__v": "CHANGE_PROCESSED",
      "result__v": "CHANGE_REJECTED",
      "entity_type": "HCP",
      "vid_key": "Network:Entity:462463289150931969",
      "vid__v": "462463289150931969",
      "resolution_notes": [
          "comment": "System Rejected - Can't update an INVALID/MERGED-INTO record",
          "fields": [
          "created_date": "2014-12-15T17:20:09.620-06:00",
		  "code": "R-10001"
      "created_date": "2014-10-08T16:38:47.000-05:00",
      "completed_date": "2014-12-15T17:20:11.000-06:00"
      "metadata": {
        "creator": "",
        "note": "Customer Master changes applied",
        "source": "Entity Profile Editor",
        "system": null
      "entity": {
        "external_custom_keys": [
        "parent_hcos__v": [
            "vid_key": "Network:ParentHCO:477715384619762691",
            "vid__v": "477715384619762691",
            "object_id": "527723032584651776",
            "is_primary_relationship__v": {
              "change_requested": "N",
              "final_value": null,
              "result": null
            "external_custom_keys": [
      "taskCountry": "US",
      "task_type": "CHANGE_REQUEST",
      "original_task_type": "CHANGE_REQUEST",
      "change_request_id": "527723033129911296",
      "status__v": "CHANGE_PENDINGREVIEW",
      "result__v": null,
      "entity_type": "HCP",
      "vid_key": "Network:Entity:469466290176656385",
      "vid__v": "469466290176656385",
      "resolution_notes": null,
      "created_date": "2014-11-24T15:26:44.000-06:00",
      "completed_date": null

Update Change Request

This API enables you to update an unprocessed change request.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
PUT Data

The name of a valid system in Network.

The result of the update:
This parameter is only required if you are updating a change request from a third-party master. It is an array of external keys to identify the entity and each of the child objects (addresses, licenses, parent HCOs). The key format is the three-part format used by vid_key, consisting of source type (typically the name of the system used to load the master data), item type, and value, separated by colons. The master keys are essential to link the entity and child objects in the change request to the entity loaded through a subscription job.
The country code of the change request.
The ID of the change request generated in Network.
A list of IDs of source subscription jobs used to load the entity in this change request. Upon processing, the final values of the fields of the entity will be obtained from the entity loaded through jobs.
A comment about the feedback related to the change request update. The comment will be transfer to the resolution notes after each update.

The status of the response.

  • The response status confirming the success of the operation.
  • The change request ID.
  • A detailed message for the error type. This message is subject to change and is not contractual for error handling.
  • The error type.


  • Not all fields in the change requests can be updated by the integrator system; however, those fields can be provided during the update and Network will ignore them.
curl -i -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PUT -d "@dcrs_postdata.json" ''
  "metadata": {
    "creator": "",
    "note": "New record added via API.",
    "system": "ERP1"
  "entity": {
    "hcp_type__v": {
      "change_requested": "P",
      "final_value": null,
      "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
    "first_name__v": {
      "change_requested": "Charlie",
      "final_value": null,
      "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
    "last_name__v": {
      "change_requested": "Brown",
      "final_value": null,
      "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
    "hcp_status__v": {
      "change_requested": "A",
      "final_value": null,
      "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
    "medical_degree_1__v": {
      "change_requested": "MD",
      "final_value": null,
      "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
    "specialty_1__v": {
      "change_requested": "IM",
      "final_value": null,
      "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
    "primary_country__v": {
      "change_requested": "US",
      "final_value": null,
      "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
    "gender__v": {
      "change_requested": "M",
      "final_value": null,
      "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
    "master_keys": [
  "taskCountry": "US",
  "task_type": "CHANGE_REQUEST",
  "original_task_type": "CHANGE_REQUEST",
  "change_request_id": "542116772438868992",
  "status__v": "CHANGE_NEW",
  "result__v": "CHANGE_PENDING",
  "entity_type": "HCP",
  "vid_key": null,
  "vid__v": null,
  "resolution_notes": null,
  "created_date": "2014-10-08T09:54:55.000-04:00",
  "completed_date": null,
  "job_ids": [
  "comment": "All fields updated through load"
    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "change_requests": [
            "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
            "change_request_id": "542116772438868992"

Batch Update Change Requests

This API enables you to update multiple unprocessed change requests.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
PUT Data

The name of a valid system in Network.

The result of the update:
This parameter is only required if you are updating a change request from a third-party master. It is an array of external keys to identify the entity and each of the child objects (addresses, licenses, parent HCOs). The key format is the three-part format used by vid_key, consisting of source type (typically the name of the system used to load the master data), item type, and value, separated by colons. The master keys are essential to link the entity and child objects in the change request to the entity loaded through a subscription job.
The country code of the change request.
The ID of the change request generated in Network.
A list of IDs of source subscription jobs used to load the entity in this change request. Upon processing, the final values of the fields of the entity will be obtained from the entity loaded through jobs.
A comment about the feedback related to the change request update. The comment will be transfer to the resolution notes after each update.

The status of the response.

  • The response status confirming the success of the operation.
  • The change request ID.
  • A detailed message for the error type. This message is subject to change and is not contractual for error handling.
  • The error type.
curl -i -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PUT -d "@dcrs_postdata.json" ''
  "change_requests": [
      "metadata": {
        "creator": "",
        "note": "New record added via API.",
        "system": "ERP1"
      "entity": {
        "hcp_type__v": {
          "change_requested": "P",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
        "first_name__v": {
          "change_requested": "Marvin",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
        "last_name__v": {
          "change_requested": "Gaye",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
        "hcp_status__v": {
          "change_requested": "A",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
        "medical_degree_1__v": {
          "change_requested": "MD",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
        "specialty_1__v": {
          "change_requested": "IM",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
        "primary_country__v": {
          "change_requested": "US",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
        "gender__v": {
          "change_requested": "M",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
        "master_keys": [
      "taskCountry": "US",
      "change_request_id": "543667922896159744",
      "result__v": null,
      "entity_type": "HCP",
      "vid_key": null,
      "vid__v": null,
      "resolution_notes": null,
      "created_date": "2014-11-06T08:49:33.000-05:00",
      "completed_date": null,
      "job_ids": [
      "comment": "All fields updated through master data load"
      "metadata": {
        "creator": "",
        "note": "New record added via API.",
        "source": "API"
      "entity": {
        "hcp_type__v": {
          "change_requested": "P",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
        "first_name__v": {
          "change_requested": "Nigella",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
        "last_name__v": {
          "change_requested": "Lam",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
        "hcp_status__v": {
          "change_requested": "A",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
        "medical_degree_1__v": {
          "change_requested": "MD",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
        "specialty_1__v": {
          "change_requested": "IM",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
        "primary_country__v": {
          "change_requested": "US",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
        "gender__v": {
          "change_requested": "M",
          "final_value": null,
          "result": "CHANGE_ACCEPTED"
        "master_keys": [
      "taskCountry": "US",
      "change_request_id": "542116772438868992",
      "result__v": null,
      "entity_type": "HCP",
      "vid_key": null,
      "vid__v": null,
      "resolution_notes": null,
      "created_date": "2014-11-06T08:49:33.000-05:00",
      "completed_date": null,
      "job_ids": [
      "comment": "All fields updated through master data load"
    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "change_requests": [
            "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
            "change_request_id": "543667922896159744"
            "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
            "change_request_id": "542116772438868992"

Process Change Request

This API enables you to process an unprocessed change request through the API.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • change_request_id - The ID of the change request.
The ID of the change request generated in Network.
Return target aliases specified for this system as well as the external customer keys associated to it. If a system is not provided, Network will return default reference value codes and empty external custom keys.

The status of the response.

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{}' -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"

Batch Process Change Requests

This API enables you to process multiple unprocessed change requests.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
PUT Data

An array of change request IDs.

change_request_id - The ID of the change request generated in Network.

Return target aliases specified for this system as well as the external customer keys associated to it. If a system is not provided, Network will return default reference value codes and empty external custom keys.

The status of the response.

curl -i -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PUT -d "@dcrs_postdata.json" ''
  "change_requests": [
      "change_request_id": "543667922896159744"
      "change_request_id": "542116772438868992"
  "systemName": "ERP1"
    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"

Batch Reject Change Requests

This API enables you to bulk reject up to 500 change requests.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
PUT Data

An array of change request IDs.

  • change_request_id - The ID of the change request generated in Network.
  • code - A custom resolution code to add to the resolution notes.
  • comment - A comment to add to the resolution notes.
Return target aliases specified for this system as well as the external customer keys associated to it. If a system is not provided, Network will return default reference value codes and empty external custom keys.

The status of the response.


  • Only change requests that are pending review can be rejected in batch.
curl -i -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PUT -d "@dcrs_postdata.json" ''
  "change_requests": [
      "change_request_id": "543667922896159744"
      "change_request_id": "542116772438868992",
      "comment": "This comment overwrites the resolution notes template.",
      "code": "R-00010"
  "systemName": "ERP1"
    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"

Batch Approve Change Requests

This API enables you to bulk approve up to 500 change requests.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
PUT Data

An array of change request IDs.

  • change_request_id - The ID of the change request generated in Network.
  • code - A custom resolution code to add to the resolution notes.
  • comment - A comment to add to the resolution notes.
Return target aliases specified for this system as well as the external customer keys associated to it. If a system is not provided, Network will return default reference value codes and empty external custom keys.

The status of the response.

curl -i -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PUT -d "@dcrs_postdata.json" ''
  "change_requests": [
      "change_request_id": "543667922896159744"
      "change_request_id": "542116772438868992",
      "comment": "This comment overwrites the resolution notes template.",
      "code": "R-00010"
  "systemName": "ERP1"
    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"

Change Request Search

This API enables you to retrieve all change requests that match a specified search criteria.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version

The text for the search query. Uses the following fields:

The first record to retrieve from the offset specified. The default value is 0.
The number to limit the results returned. The default is 10; the maximum is 100.
The attribute to sort results by; for example, task_type .
The sort order: asc for ascending or desc for descending.
Filters for refining the results.. See the Search Filters table for more information.
When provided, Network returns target alias values defined for reference codes for this system. Otherwise, Network returns default reference code values.
A comma-separated list of master system names. Search results will include only change requests that are handled by the specified master systems. Includes all pending and processed change requests.
A comma-separated list of master system names. Search results will include only change requests that are awaiting processing by the specified master systems.


Search filters
The change request type.
  • ADD_REQUEST - An add request submitted on an existing record in Network.
  • CHANGE_REQUEST - A change request for a new record in Network.
The status of the task.
The country to which the task belongs.
The state of the task.
The resolution for the task.
The date the task was created .
The ID of the user that generated the change request.
The user name of the user that generated the change request.
The completed date of the task. Is empty if the change request is not completed. Date format is ISO8601 standard.
The ID of the user that approved the task.
The task is open: True or False.
The name of the system that generated the task. This is used for reference aliases and other validation.
The entity type for the task: HCP or HCO.
The Veeva Network entity ID.
The ID of the owner of the task.

Filter values passed in from a GET request need to be URL-encoded.


The status of the response.


The total number of search results, regardless of the set limit.

The first record to retrieve from the offset specified. The default value is 0.

The number provided to limit the search results.


metadata -

entity - Details of the response changes, one per field, for the entity provided.

taskCountry - The country code of the entity.

task_type - The final change request type as an add request. Could become a change request.

original_task_type - The original change request type.

change_request_id - The change request ID.

status__v - The change request status.

result__v - The change request result.

entity_type - The entity type of the change request: HCP or HCO.

vid_key - The external HCP or HCO vid_key supplied by the client in the original change request.

resolution_notes - An array of comments containing notes added during change request processing.

created_date - The creation date of the change request. The date uses the ISO8601 standard.

completed_date - The completed date for the change request. If the change request is not completed, this value is empty. The date format uses the ISO8601 standard.

errors - Errors in retrieving the requested change requests.

Field results
The change for this field has been accepted.
The change for this field has been rejected.
The change for this field has been accepted with differences .
The change for this field has already been applied.
The change for this field was added to the change request after creation.
Child object attributes
The external vid_key supplied by the client in the original change request.
The Veeva ID of the entity.

The Network API name of the entity's field for the HCP or HCO.

  • change_requested - The value of the requested change.
  • final_value - The new value of the field.
  • result -


  • Version 7.0 responses included master_keys, external_custom_keys (if systemName provided), task_type, and original_task_type for easier downstream integration.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
   "offset" : 0,
   "change_requests" : [
         "vid__v" : "242979820290442251",
         "entity_type" : "HCP",
         "completed_date" : null,
         "status__v" : "CHANGE_PENDINGREVIEW",
         "taskCountry" : "US",
         "change_request_id" : "928804073117519007",
         "vid_key" : "Network:Entity:242979820290442251",
         "reserved_vid" : null,
         "metadata" : {
            "note" : "Customer Master changes applied",
            "system" : null,
            "creator" : "",
            "source" : "Entity Profile Editor"
         "parent_task_ids" : [],
         "created_date" : "2016-08-15T15:04:40.000-07:00",
         "entity" : {
            "specialty_1__v" : {
               "final_value" : null,
               "result" : null,
               "change_requested" : "UCM"
         "result__v" : null,
         "original_task_type" : "CHANGE_REQUEST",
         "task_type" : "CHANGE_REQUEST",
         "resolution_notes" : null
         "parent_task_ids" : [],
         "metadata" : {
            "source" : "Entity Profile Editor",
            "creator" : "",
            "system" : null,
            "note" : "address update. he no longer works there"
         "created_date" : "2016-08-22T10:00:17.000-07:00",
         "original_task_type" : "CHANGE_REQUEST",
         "result__v" : null,
         "entity" : {
            "addresses__v" : [
                  "postal_code__v" : {
                     "result" : null,
                     "change_requested" : "15243-1317",
                     "final_value" : null
                  "object_id" : "928842512290483360",
                  "country__v" : {
                     "final_value" : null,
                     "result" : null,
                     "change_requested" : "US"
                  "vid_key" : "Network:Address:243244004181804041",
                  "locality__v" : {
                     "final_value" : null,
                     "change_requested" : "Pittsburgh",
                     "result" : null
                  "vid__v" : "243244004181804041",
                  "address_line_3__v" : {
                     "final_value" : null,
                     "result" : null,
                     "change_requested" : null
                  "administrative_area__v" : {
                     "change_requested" : "US-PA",
                     "result" : null,
                     "final_value" : null
                  "address_line_2__v" : {
                     "change_requested" : null,
                     "result" : null,
                     "final_value" : null
                  "address_line_1__v" : {
                     "final_value" : null,
                     "change_requested" : "277 Dupont Cir",
                     "result" : null
         "resolution_notes" : null,
         "task_type" : "CHANGE_REQUEST",
         "entity_type" : "HCP",
         "vid__v" : "242979820290442251",
         "change_request_id" : "928842512431123615",
         "vid_key" : "Network:Entity:242979820290442251",
         "taskCountry" : "US",
         "status__v" : "CHANGE_PENDINGREVIEW",
         "completed_date" : null,
         "reserved_vid" : null
   "totalCount" : 268,
   "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS",
   "limit" : 2
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" '||created_at:1403531171000||1406123171000'
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" '||created_at:1403531171000'
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" '||created_at:||48'

Change Request Match

This API enables you to match a request to an existing entity. You can use either the Veeva ID or custom key of an existing entity to match the request against.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • change_request_id - The ID of the change request.
The key for the object.
Notes added by the Network user.


The status of the response.
The ID of the change request.


  • responseStatus returns a failure if any standard errors occur or:
  • vid_key does not represent an existing entity.
  • The entity represented by vid_key is not in the VALID state.
  • The change_request_id does not represent an existing request.
  • The type of entity (for example, HCP) doesn't match with the type of the request (for example, HCO).
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "change_request_id": 542116772438868992

Batch Process Suspect Match

This API enables enables you to process multiple unprocessed suspect matches.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version

This API takes no parameters.

PUT Data

The ID of a suspect match to process.

The pairs of entities to match. Leave empty to reject the suspect match.
The ID of the entity to be merged.
The ID of the entity that the match will be merged into.
The resolution note to apply.

The status of the response.


An array of suspect_matches that correspond to the same objects in the request.

  • The status of a processed suspect match.
  • The ID of a processed suspect match.


  • vid_key does not represent an existing entity.
  • The entity represented by vid_key is not in the VALID state.
  • The change_request_id does not represent an existing request.
  • The type of entity (for example, HCP) doesn't match with the type of the request (for example, HCO).
curl -i -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PUT -d "@match_postdata.json" ''
         "comment":"Rejected suspect match"
   "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
   "suspect_matches": [
         "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
         "task_id": "929058346986962975"
         "comment":"Accepted suspect match",

Batch Create Suspect Match

This API enables enables you to create multiple suspect matches.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version

This API takes no parameters.


The vid_key of the entity to be merged.

The vid_key of the entity to match.
  • creator - The name of the user that generated the request.
  • note - Details about the request.
  • source - Additional information about the source of the request.

The status of the response.


An array of suspect_matches that correspond to the same objects in the request.

  • The ID of a processed suspect match.


  • vid_key does not represent an existing entity.
  • The entity represented by vid_key is not in the VALID state.
  • The type of entity (for example, HCP) doesn’t match with the type of the request (for example, HCO).
curl -i -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d "@matches_postdata.json" ''
    "suspect_matches": [{
            "metadata": {
                "note": "",
                "creator": "John Smith"
            "vid_key": "Network:Entity:242980101568857107",
            "matching_vid_key": "Network:Entity:242980097970144256"
        }, {
            "metadata": {
                "note": "",
                "creator": "John Smith"
            "vid_key": "Network:Entity:932020953046843423",
            "matching_vid_key": "Network:Entity:847332072480572416"
   "suspect_matches" : [
         "suspect_match_id" : "936109874024288767"
   "errorType" : "UNEXPECTED_ERROR",
   "responseStatus" : "PARTIAL_SUCCESS",
   "errors" : [
         "type" : "UNEXPECTED_ERROR",
         "message" : "No entity found with the given Id Network:Entity:847332072480572416"

Batch Reject Suspect Match

This API enables enables you to reject multiple suspect match tasks.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version

This API takes no parameters.


An array of suspect match IDs.


The status of the response.


An array of suspect_matches that correspond to the same objects in the request.

  • The ID of a processed suspect match.


  • responseStatus returns a failure if any standard errors occur.
curl -i -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d "@matches_postdata.json" ''
  "suspect_matches": [
      "suspect_match_id": "936109874024288767"
      "suspect_match_id": "932218031792324671"
   "errors" : [
         "message" : "Suspect Match Task 936109874024288767 not found",
         "type" : "INVALID_DATA"
   "suspect_matches" : [
         "created_date" : "2018-08-05T02:20:41.000-07:00",
         "id" : 932876752875559711,
         "state" : "PENDINGREVIEW",
         "suspect_match_results" : [
               "merge_into_vid" : 242980103305298946,
               "surviving_entity_vid" : 929642136033361951
   "responseStatus" : "PARTIAL_SUCCESS"

Batch Retrieve Suspect Match

This API enables enables you to retrieve information about multiple suspect matches.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version

This API takes no parameters.


An array of suspect match IDs.


The status of the response.


An array of suspect_matches that correspond to the same objects in the request.


  • responseStatus returns a failure if any standard errors occur.
curl -i -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d "@matches_postdata.json" ''
  "suspect_matches": [
      "suspect_match_id": "931697085670096927"
      "suspect_match_id": "931697013151105055"
      "suspect_match_id": "932218057214525503"
    "responseStatus": "PARTIAL_SUCCESS",
    "errors": [
            "type": "INVALID_DATA",
            "message": "Suspect Match Task 931697085670096927 not found"
            "type": "INVALID_DATA",
            "message": "Suspect Match Task 931697013151105055 not found"
    "suspect_matches": [
            "id": 932218057214525503,
            "resolution": "NOT_MATCHED",
            "state": "PROCESSED",
            "created_date": "2018-04-10T11:25:43.000-07:00",
            "completed_date": "2018-04-10T11:27:31.000-07:00",
            "suspect_match_results": [
                    "merge_into_vid": 847332072463795200,
                    "surviving_entity_vid": null

Retrieve entities

This API enables you to obtain information about any entity or child entity (addresses, licenses, and parent HCOs), including custom keys for the entities retrieved.

Retrieve entity

This API enables you to obtain information on any entity without identifying the specific entity type. It is only used to retrieve information from Network using the GET method.

This API downloads the record for the specified entity from Veeva OpenData to your customer instance.

You can only retrieve entries for which you have access permission.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version
  • vid_key is the key of the entity to retrieve
Optional parameters
When provided, Network returns target alias values defined for reference codes for this system. Otherwise, Network returns default reference code values.
Specifies whether or not to display labels for reference type fields in the results.
Specifies the language to use if the enriched results option is enabled. Uses the IETF BCP 47 language standard.
Return hashtags for the requested type using the following values:
  • NETWORK - Display predefined Network hashtags.
  • ALL - Display Network-defined and custom hashtags.
  • NONE - Do not display hashtags.
An array of fields and values for each entity.
The status of the response in Network.
The list of hashtags available to the authenticated API user:

Enriched results

When the enrichedResults parameter is used, the following data is returned:

  • Reference value labels - _value__u attribute helper
  • Parent HCO corporate name - parent_hco_corp_name__v
  • Parent HCO address - parenthco_address__u
  • Parent HCO record state - parenthco_record_state__u
  • Parent HCO status - parenthco_status__u
  • Address Network entity ID (VID) for licenses - address_vid__v__u
  • Sub-object sorting - Network sorting logic for sub-objects (for example, active objects are listed before inactive objects).

The helper attributes with the __u suffix denote values that are typically displayed in the Network UI.


  • Following a retrieve entity call, Network returns all resource information, including custom keys.
  • The information returned does not include attributes with NULL values.
  • Network-specific fields are returned regardless of region.


  • Version 19.0 added the enrichedResults and resultLanguage parameters.
  • Version 25.0 added the returnHashtagsForType parameter.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368"
   "entities" : [
         "entity" : {
            "vid__v" : "932671707694238303",
            "last_name__v" : "Smith",
            "status_update_time__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
            "licenses__v" : [
                  "expiration_date__v" : "2013-12-31",
                  "custom_keys__v" : [],
                  "entity_vid__v" : "932671707694238303",
                  "license_number__v" : "1256987",
                  "license_status__v" : "A",
                  "primary_license__c" : "U",
                  "record_state__v" : "VALID",
                  "record_delta_id__v" : "932671707821604865",
                  "record_owner_name__v" : "Local",
                  "effective_date__v" : "2010-05-05",
                  "address_vid__v" : "932671707694238304",
                  "modified_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:02.000Z",
                  "is_veeva_master__v" : false,
                  "license_status_condition__v" : "0",
                  "record_owner_type__v" : "LOCAL",
                  "created_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
                  "body__v" : "ALMD",
                  "entity_type__v" : "HCP",
                  "status_update_time__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
                  "license_subtype__v" : "U",
                  "vid__v" : "932671707694238305"
            "specialty_1_rank__v" : 1,
            "created_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
            "specialty_1__v" : "AC",
            "record_owner_type__v" : "LOCAL",
            "hcp_type__v" : "P",
            "ama_do_not_contact__v" : "N",
            "is_veeva_master__v" : false,
            "hcp_status__v" : "A",
            "kaiser__v" : "N",
            "pdrp_optout__v" : "N",
            "modified_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:02.000Z",
            "record_version__v" : 1,
            "primary_country__v" : "US",
            "first_name__v" : "James",
            "record_owner_name__v" : "Local",
            "record_delta_id__v" : "932671707842248703",
            "fellow__v" : "N",
            "gender__v" : "M",
            "record_state__v" : "VALID",
            "formatted_name__v" : "James Smith",
            "parent_hcos__v" : [],
            "grad_training__v" : "N",
            "addresses__v" : [
                  "premise_number__v" : "326",
                  "latitude__v" : 46.815034,
                  "postal_code_primary__v" : "58501",
                  "ISO_3166_3__v" : "USA",
                  "thoroughfare_trailing_type__v" : "DR",
                  "delivery_address_1__v" : "326 Harolds DR",
                  "record_state__v" : "VALID",
                  "record_owner_name__v" : "Local",
                  "address_status__v" : "A",
                  "address_line_1__v" : "326 Harolds Drive",
                  "longitude__v" : -100.774784,
                  "country__v" : "US",
                  "ISO_3166_n__v" : "840",
                  "created_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
                  "vid__v" : "932671707694238304",
                  "administrative_area__v" : "US-ND",
                  "locality__v" : "BISMARCK",
                  "custom_keys__v" : [],
                  "thoroughfare__v" : "Harolds DR",
                  "premise__v" : "326",
                  "thoroughfare_name__v" : "Harolds",
                  "entity_vid__v" : "932671707694238303",
                  "record_delta_id__v" : "932671707821604864",
                  "address_type__v" : "P",
                  "modified_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:02.000Z",
                  "address_ordinal__v" : 1,
                  "is_veeva_master__v" : false,
                  "entity_type__v" : "HCP",
                  "record_owner_type__v" : "LOCAL",
                  "formatted_address__v" : "326 Harolds DR BISMARCK ND 58501",
                  "postal_code__v" : "58501",
                  "delivery_address__v" : "326 Harolds DR",
                  "status_update_time__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
                  "address_verification_status__v" : "DS"
            "custom_keys__v" : [
                  "vid__v" : "932671707717372511",
                  "custom_key_source_type__v" : "CUSTOMER__v/3/change_request",
                  "custom_key_value__v" : "932671707694238303",
                  "status_update_time__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
                  "custom_key_entity_type__v" : "HCP",
                  "custom_key_vid_key__v" : "CUSTOMER__v/3/change_request:HCP:932671707694238303",
                  "custom_key_entity_id__v" : "932671707694238303",
                  "created_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
                  "custom_key_item_type__v" : "HCP",
                  "custom_key_status__v" : "A",
                  "modified_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z"
                  "modified_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
                  "vid__v" : "932671707718093407",
                  "custom_key_source_type__v" : "WORKFLOW__v",
                  "custom_key_value__v" : "932671707570838463",
                  "status_update_time__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
                  "custom_key_vid_key__v" : "WORKFLOW__v:DCRID__v:932671707570838463",
                  "custom_key_entity_id__v" : "932671707694238303",
                  "custom_key_entity_type__v" : "HCP",
                  "custom_key_status__v" : "A",
                  "custom_key_item_type__v" : "DCRID__v",
                  "created_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z"
            "is_externally_mastered__v" : false
         "entityType" : "HCP",
         "metaData" : {},
         "entityId" : "932671707694238303"
   "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS"
    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "entities": [
            "entityId": "933580259012116863",
            "entityType": "EMPLOYEE__C",
            "metaData": {},
            "entity": {
                "employee_title__c": "Key Account Manager",
                "record_owner_type__v": "LOCAL",
                "employee_status__c": "A",
                "employee_business_unit__c": "Sales",
                "employee_number__c": "103",
                "employee_last_name__c": "Carter",
                "record_delta_id__v": "933580259060776959",
                "record_owner_name__v": "Local",
                "employee_name__c": "Daniel Carter",
                "primary_country__v": "US",
                "created_date__v": "2018-12-07T08:11:33.000Z",
                "employee_first_name__c": "Daniel",
                "employee_hire_date__c": "2018-12-01",
                "is_veeva_master__v": false,
                "status_update_time__v": "2018-12-07T08:11:33.000Z",
                "modified_date__v": "2018-12-07T08:11:33.000Z",
                "record_state__v": "VALID",
                "candidate_record__v": false,
                "record_version__v": 0,
                "vid__v": "933580259012116863",
                "is_externally_mastered__v": false,
                "custom_keys__v": [
                        "custom_key_entity_id__v": "933580259012116863",
                        "custom_key_item_type__v": "EMPLOYEE__C",
                        "custom_key_value__v": "933580259012116863",
                        "modified_date__v": "2018-12-07T08:11:33.000Z",
                        "vid__v": "933580259018867071",
                        "custom_key_vid_key__v": "CUSTOMER__v/3/change_request:EMPLOYEE__C:933580259012116863",
                        "custom_key_source_type__v": "CUSTOMER__v/3/change_request",
                        "created_date__v": "2018-12-07T08:11:33.000Z",
                        "custom_key_entity_type__v": "EMPLOYEE__C",
                        "custom_key_status__v": "A",
                        "status_update_time__v": "2018-12-07T08:11:33.000Z"
                        "custom_key_entity_id__v": "933580259012116863",
                        "custom_key_item_type__v": "DCRID__v",
                        "custom_key_value__v": "933580258951365023",
                        "modified_date__v": "2018-12-07T08:11:33.000Z",
                        "vid__v": "933580259019194751",
                        "custom_key_vid_key__v": "WORKFLOW__v:DCRID__v:933580258951365023",
                        "custom_key_source_type__v": "WORKFLOW__v",
                        "created_date__v": "2018-12-07T08:11:33.000Z",
                        "custom_key_entity_type__v": "EMPLOYEE__C",
                        "custom_key_status__v": "A",
                        "status_update_time__v": "2018-12-07T08:11:33.000Z"
                "addresses__v": [
                        "nwk_primary_address__c": "Y",
                        "address_line_1__v": "200 Park Blvd.",
                        "record_owner_type__v": "LOCAL",
                        "record_delta_id__v": "933580259020275711",
                        "record_owner_name__v": "Local",
                        "locality__v": "San Diego",
                        "country__v": "US",
                        "created_date__v": "2018-12-07T08:11:33.000Z",
                        "is_veeva_master__v": false,
                        "status_update_time__v": "2018-12-07T08:11:33.000Z",
                        "address_type__v": "P",
                        "entity_type__v": "EMPLOYEE__C",
                        "address_verification_status__v": "DS",
                        "address_status__v": "A",
                        "modified_date__v": "2018-12-07T08:11:33.000Z",
                        "record_state__v": "VALID",
                        "vid__v": "933580259012116864",
                        "entity_vid__v": "933580259012116863",
                        "postal_code__v": "91915",
                        "administrative_area__v": "US-CA",
                        "formatted_address__v": "200 Park Blvd. San Diego US-CA 91915",
                        "address_ordinal__v": 1,
                        "custom_keys__v": []
                "employee_account_rel_rel_set__c": [
                        "employee_account_rel_rel_status__c": "A",
                        "related_entity_type__v": "HCO",
                        "record_owner_type__v": "LOCAL",
                        "status_update_time__v": "2018-12-07T08:11:33.000Z",
                        "related_entity_vid__v": "242976972248974337",
                        "related_entity_name__v": "Kindred Hospital San Diego",
                        "record_delta_id__v": "933580259020275712",
                        "entity_type__v": "EMPLOYEE__C",
                        "record_owner_name__v": "Local",
                        "modified_date__v": "2018-12-07T08:11:33.000Z",
                        "record_state__v": "VALID",
                        "is_primary_relationship__v": "N",
                        "vid__v": "933580259012116865",
                        "entity_vid__v": "933580259012116863",
                        "created_date__v": "2018-12-07T08:11:33.000Z",
                        "is_veeva_master__v": false,
                        "custom_keys__v": []

Retrieve child entity

This API enables you to retrieve child entity information; for example address or license details, for the Network ID provided without identifying the specific entity type.

This API is only used to retrieve information from Network using the GET method.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • vid_key - The key of the entity to retrieve.
Optional Parameters
When provided, Network returns target alias values defined for reference codes for this system. Otherwise, Network returns default reference code values.
Specifies whether or not to display labels for reference type fields in the results.
Specifies the language to use if the enriched results option is enabled. Uses the IETF BCP 47 language standard.
An array of fields and values for each entity.
The status of the response.

Enriched results

When the enrichedResults parameter is used, the following data is returned:

  • Reference value labels - _value__u attribute helper
  • Parent HCO corporate name - parent_hco_corp_name__v
  • Parent HCO address - parenthco_address__u
  • Parent HCO record state - parenthco_record_state__u
  • Parent HCO status - parenthco_status__u
  • Address Network entity ID (VID) for licenses - address_vid__v__u
  • Sub-object sorting - Network sorting logic for sub-objects (for example, active objects are listed before inactive objects).

The helper attributes with the __u suffix denote values that are typically displayed in the Network UI.


  • In a customer instance, if a child entity is from master and a new version exists on the master, the child entity is retrieved from master.
  • If a child entity is up to date or only exists on the customer instance, the child entity is retrieved from the customer instance.
  • The information returned does not include attributes with NULL values.
  • Network-specific fields are returned regardless of region.


  • Version 19.0 added the enrichedResults and resultLanguage parameters.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 7D8BFC55F6367BE7B7C961884303B5C178F8AF62381A81441D298A73DAB6B70B4AADA399F6BAA8E8B362DEAEBC728DF79531B3F612036798BB687365F7B04724115B43D1C0AC358478CACB4BAF209B5D"
   "entities" : [
         "entityType" : "LICENSE",
         "entity" : {
            "expiration_date__v" : "2020-07-31",
            "rxa_eligible__v" : "E",
            "type_value__v" : "IL",
            "entity_vid__v" : "243230954594763778",
            "license_status__v" : "A",
            "record_owner_type__v" : "VOD",
            "status_update_time__v" : "2018-04-23T17:11:38.000Z",
            "is_veeva_master__v" : true,
            "effective_date__v" : "1994-03-21",
            "modified_date__v" : "2018-04-23T17:11:38.000Z",
            "entity_type__v" : "HCP",
            "is_externally_mastered__v" : false,
            "best_state_license__v" : "Y",
            "primary_license__c" : "U",
            "record_state__v" : "VALID",
            "body__v" : "BOME",
            "grace_period__v" : "2020-07-31",
            "type__v" : "STATE",
            "record_owner_name__v" : "OpenData",
            "license_degree__v" : "MD",
            "vid__v" : "929795469719177128",
            "record_delta_id__v" : "942293027461103628",
            "license_number__v" : "036.088139",
            "initial_board_license_date__v" : "2017-07-27",
            "anticipated_expiry_date__v" : "2021-01-27",
            "license_subtype__v" : "U",
            "license_eligibility__v" : "E",
            "created_date__v" : "2018-04-23T17:11:38.000Z",
            "dea_business_activity_code__v" : "ZZ",
            "license_status_condition__v" : "0"
         "entityId" : "929795469719177128",
         "metaData" : {}
   "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS"

Batch retrieve entities

This API enables you to retrieve entity details directly from Network. It is only used to retrieve information using the GET method. To update or delete entity data, you must use the change request APIs.

The entities you can retrieve include HCPs and HCOs, and details are returned for all corresponding child entities: addresses, licenses, parent HCOs, and custom keys.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version

This API takes no parameters.

POST data
An array of fields and values for each entity.
  • vid_key - The external HCP or HCO vid_key supplied by the client.
When provided, Network returns target alias values defined for reference codes for this system. Otherwise, Network returns default reference code values.
Specifies whether or not to display labels for reference type fields in the results.
Specifies the language to use if the enriched results option is enabled. Uses the IETF BCP 47 language standard.
The status of the response in Network.
An array of errors.
  • type - The error type.
  • message - A detailed message for the error type. This message is subject to change and is not contractual for error handling.
An array of fields and values for each entity.
  • entityType - The entity type.
  • metaData - Included for structure only; not applicable for this call.
  • entity - The fields and corresponding values for the entity.

Enriched results

When the enrichedResults parameter is used, the following data is returned:

  • Reference value labels - _value__u attribute helper
  • Parent HCO corporate name - parent_hco_corp_name__v
  • Parent HCO address - parenthco_address__u
  • Parent HCO record state - parenthco_record_state__u
  • Parent HCO status - parenthco_status__u
  • Address Network entity ID (VID) for licenses - address_vid__v__u
  • Sub-object sorting - Network sorting logic for sub-objects (for example, active objects are listed before inactive objects).

The helper attributes with the __u suffix denote values that are typically displayed in the Network UI.


  • responseStatus returns a failure if standard errors occur.
  • responseStatus returns PARTIAL_SUCCESS if:
    • vid_key does not represent an existing entity.
    • the entity specified by vid_key is not an HCP or HCO.
  • Batch API calls are limited to 500 operations per call. An attempt to submit more operations will results in a failure of all operations in the call.


  • Version 19.0 added the enrichedResults and resultLanguage parameters.
curl -i -H "Authorization: F3C27EF4A0B216C72EC572E16C27C6DF137FC14ED97E2596C119938191AD8E94A978C02B53C0B382E0CC5674561C09A82024A685D146331ADB247B53129DD28EA302134286133710E6DDAD1A96C7EB0D" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d "@vid_postdata.json"
  "entities": [
      "vid_key": "Network:Entity:932315773830225247"
      "vid_key": "Network:Entity:932910724243720799"
      "vid_key": "Network:Entity:932241620698597983"
  "systemName": "change_request",
  "enrichedResults": "true",
  "resultLanguage": "en"

            "specialty_1__v_value__u":"Acute Care",
            "record_owner_type__v_value__u":"Locally Managed",
            "formatted_name__v":"James Smith",
            "primary_country__v_value__u":"United States",
            "entity_type__v_value__u":"Health Care Professional",
            "record_state__v_value__u":"Under Review",
                  "dpv_confirmed_indicator__v_value__u":"The address was not submitted for DPV confirmation",
                  "address_line_1__v":"326 Harolds Dr",
                  "record_owner_type__v_value__u":"Locally Managed",
                  "delivery_address__v":"326 Harolds Dr",
                  "country__v_value__u":"United States",
                  "ISO_3166_3__v_value__u":"United States",
                  "ISO_3166_n__v_value__u":"United States",
                  "thoroughfare__v":"Harolds Dr",
                  "delivery_address_1__v":"326 Harolds Dr",
                  "entity_type__v_value__u":"Health Care Professional",
                  "address_verification_status__v_value__u":"Partially Verified",
                  "record_state__v_value__u":"Under Review",
                  "administrative_area__v_value__u":"North Dakota",
                  "formatted_address__v":"326 Harolds Dr Bismarck ND 58501",

                  "primary_license__c_value__u":"Unknown/No response",
                  "record_owner_type__v_value__u":"Locally Managed",
                  "entity_type__v_value__u":"Health Care Professional",
                  "record_state__v_value__u":"Under Review",
                  "license_status_condition__v_value__u":"No Known Conditions",

                  "address_vid__v_value__u":"326 Harolds Dr Bismarck ND 58501"


            "specialty_1__v_value__u":"Acute Care",
            "record_owner_type__v_value__u":"Locally Managed",
            "formatted_name__v":"Miranda Jane",
            "primary_country__v_value__u":"United States",
            "entity_type__v_value__u":"Health Care Professional",
                  "address_line_1__v":"326 Harolds Drive",
                  "record_owner_type__v_value__u":"Locally Managed",
                  "delivery_address__v":"326 Harolds DR",
                  "country__v_value__u":"United States",
                  "ISO_3166_3__v_value__u":"United States",
                  "ISO_3166_n__v_value__u":"United States",
                  "thoroughfare__v":"Harolds DR",
                  "delivery_address_1__v":"326 Harolds DR",
                  "entity_type__v_value__u":"Health Care Professional",
                  "address_verification_status__v_value__u":"Data Steward Approved",
                  "administrative_area__v_value__u":"North Dakota",
                  "formatted_address__v":"326 Harolds DR BISMARCK ND 58501",

                  "primary_license__c_value__u":"Unknown/No response",
                  "record_owner_type__v_value__u":"Locally Managed",
                  "entity_type__v_value__u":"Health Care Professional",
                  "license_status_condition__v_value__u":"No Known Conditions",

                  "address_vid__v_value__u":"326 Harolds DR BISMARCK ND 58501"


            "specialty_1__v_value__u":"Acute Care",
            "record_owner_type__v_value__u":"Locally Managed",
            "formatted_name__v":"Wilf Knoxford",
            "primary_country__v_value__u":"United States",
            "entity_type__v_value__u":"Health Care Professional",
            "record_state__v_value__u":"Under Review",
                  "dpv_confirmed_indicator__v_value__u":"The address was not submitted for DPV confirmation",
                  "address_line_1__v":"326 Harolds Dr",
                  "record_owner_type__v_value__u":"Locally Managed",
                  "delivery_address__v":"326 Harolds Dr",
                  "country__v_value__u":"United States",
                  "ISO_3166_3__v_value__u":"United States",
                  "ISO_3166_n__v_value__u":"United States",
                  "thoroughfare__v":"Harolds Dr",
                  "delivery_address_1__v":"326 Harolds Dr",
                  "entity_type__v_value__u":"Health Care Professional",
                  "address_verification_status__v_value__u":"Partially Verified",
                  "record_state__v_value__u":"Under Review",
                  "administrative_area__v_value__u":"North Dakota",
                  "formatted_address__v":"326 Harolds Dr Bismarck ND 58501",

                  "primary_license__c_value__u":"Unknown/No response",
                  "record_owner_type__v_value__u":"Locally Managed",
                  "entity_type__v_value__u":"Health Care Professional",
                  "record_state__v_value__u":"Under Review",
                  "license_status_condition__v_value__u":"No Known Conditions",

                  "address_vid__v_value__u":"326 Harolds Dr Bismarck ND 58501"


Batch retrieve child entities

This API enables you to obtain information on child entities without identifying the specific entity type. Users are only allowed to retrieve (GET) information from Network.

All other operations (POST and DELETE) are restricted and can only be performed by submitting a change request using the change request APIs.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version

This API takes no parameters.


An array of objects:

  • vid_key - The external child entity; for example, license or address vid_key supplied by the client.
When provided, Network returns target alias values defined for reference codes for this system. Otherwise, Network returns default reference code values.
Specifies whether or not to display labels for reference type fields in the results.
Specifies the language to use if the enriched results option is enabled. Uses the IETF BCP 47 language standard.
The status of the response.

An array of errors.

  • The error type.
  • A detailed message for the error type. This message is subject to change and is not contractual for error handling.
An array of fields and values for each entity.
  • entityId - The Network ID of the entity.
  • entityType - The entity type.
  • metaData -
  • entity - The fields and corresponding values for the entity.


If no revisions exist in the given range:

  • If the corresponding child entity is from master and a newer version exists in the master, the child entity is retrieved from the master.
  • If the corresponding child entity is up to date or exists only in the customer instance, that child entity is retrieved from the customer instance.
  • responseStatus returns a failure if standard errors occur.
  • responseStatus returns PARTIAL_SUCCESS if:
    • vid_key does not represent an existing entity.
    • The entity specified by vid_key is not an HCP or HCO.
  • Batch API calls are limited to 500 operations per call. An attempt to submit more operations will result in all call operations failing.


  • Version 19.0 added the enrichedResults and resultLanguage parameters.
curl -i -H "Authorization: F3C27EF4A0B216C72EC572E16C27C6DF137FC14ED97E2596C119938191AD8E94A978C02B53C0B382E0CC5674561C09A82024A685D146331ADB247B53129DD28EA302134286133710E6DDAD1A96C7EB0D" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d "@vid_postdata_license.json"
  "entities": [
      "vid_key": "Network:License:935315773850225249"
      "vid_key": "Network:License:932910724244965984"
      "vid_key": "Network:License:932241620698597985"
  "systemName": "change_request",
  "enrichedResults": "true",
  "resultLanguage": "en"
         "message":"No entity found with the given Id Network:License:935315773850225249"

            "primary_license__c_value__u":"Unknown/No response",
            "record_owner_type__v_value__u":"Locally Managed",
            "entity_type__v_value__u":"Health Care Professional",
            "record_state__v_value__u":"Under Review",
            "license_status_condition__v_value__u":"No Known Conditions",
            "address_vid__v_value__u":"326 Harolds Dr Bismarck ND 58501"

            "primary_license__c_value__u":"Unknown/No response",
            "record_owner_type__v_value__u":"Locally Managed",
            "entity_type__v_value__u":"Health Care Professional",
            "license_status_condition__v_value__u":"No Known Conditions",
            "address_vid__v_value__u":"326 Harolds DR BISMARCK ND 58501"

Health care organization

The health care organization API enable you to retrieve HCO information and associate custom keys with or disassociate them from other entities.

Retrieve HCO

This API enables you to retrieve information about an HCO. Information you can retrieve for an HCO includes the HCO, address, license, and parent HCO information (including their custom keys) for the HCO vid_key you provide.

This API downloads the record for the specified entity from Veeva OpenData to your customer instance.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • vid_key - The key of the entity to retrieve.
Optional Parameters
When provided, Network returns target alias values defined for reference codes for this system. Otherwise, Network returns default reference code values.
Specifies whether or not to display labels for reference type fields in the results.
Specifies the language to use if the enriched results option is enabled. Uses the IETF BCP 47 language standard.
Return hashtags for the requested type using the following values:
  • NETWORK - Display predefined Network hashtags.
  • ALL - Display Network-defined and custom hashtags.
  • NONE - Do not display hashtags.
The status of the response.
An array of fields and values for each entity.
The list of hashtags available to the authenticated API user:


  • Following this call, Network returns all resource information, including addresses, licenses, parent HCOs, and custom keys.
  • The information returned does not include attributes with null values.
  • Some Network-specific fields are returned regardless of the region.


  • Version 19.0 added the enrichedResults and resultLanguage parameters.
  • Version 25.0 added the returnHashtagsForType parameter.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204A6F7368"
   "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS",
   "entities" : [
         "entityId" : "932241745093790303",
         "entityType" : "HCO",
         "metaData" : {},
         "entity" : {
            "hco_status__v" : "A",
            "primary_country__v" : "US",
            "training_facility__v" : "N",
            "parent_hcos__v" : [],
            "is_veeva_master__v" : false,
            "created_date__v" : "2018-04-14T15:49:51.000Z",
            "record_version__v" : 1,
            "status_update_time__v" : "2018-04-14T15:49:51.000Z",
            "record_state__v" : "VALID",
            "record_owner_name__v" : "Local",
            "xray_services__v" : "N",
            "addresses__v" : [
                  "premise__v" : "15",
                  "address_ordinal__v" : 1,
                  "record_owner_type__v" : "LOCAL",
                  "custom_keys__v" : [],
                  "administrative_area_parsed__v" : "NY",
                  "delivery_address_1__v" : "15 Central Park W",
                  "record_owner_name__v" : "Local",
                  "ISO_3166_3__v" : "USA",
                  "locality__v" : "New York",
                  "longitude__v" : -73.98088,
                  "administrative_area__v" : "US-NY",
                  "premise_number__v" : "15",
                  "is_veeva_master__v" : false,
                  "ISO_3166_n__v" : "840",
                  "address_verification_status__v" : "P",
                  "thoroughfare_trailing_type__v" : "Park",
                  "address_line_1__v" : "15 Central Park W",
                  "thoroughfare_post_direction__v" : "W",
                  "modified_date__v" : "2018-04-14T15:50:18.000Z",
                  "postal_code__v" : "10023",
                  "vid__v" : "932241745093790304",
                  "record_delta_id__v" : "932241746852020224",
                  "entity_vid__v" : "932241745093790303",
                  "entity_type__v" : "HCO",
                  "thoroughfare__v" : "Central Park W",
                  "thoroughfare_name__v" : "Central",
                  "country__v" : "US",
                  "address_status__v" : "A",
                  "dpv_confirmed_indicator__v" : "X",
                  "latitude__v" : 40.76973,
                  "created_date__v" : "2018-04-14T15:49:51.000Z",
                  "address_type__v" : "B",
                  "formatted_address__v" : "15 Central Park W New York NY 10023",
                  "record_state__v" : "VALID",
                  "postal_code_primary__v" : "10023",
                  "delivery_address__v" : "15 Central Park W",
                  "sub_administrative_area__v" : "New York",
                  "status_update_time__v" : "2018-04-14T15:49:51.000Z"
            "va_dod_affiliated__v" : "U",
            "custom_keys__v" : [
                  "custom_key_status__v" : "A",
                  "custom_key_entity_id__v" : "932241745093790303",
                  "custom_key_entity_type__v" : "HCO",
                  "custom_key_value__v" : "932241745093790303",
                  "custom_key_source_type__v" : "CUSTOMER__v/3/change_request",
                  "modified_date__v" : "2018-04-14T15:49:51.000Z",
                  "vid__v" : "932241745111681631",
                  "custom_key_item_type__v" : "HCO",
                  "status_update_time__v" : "2018-04-14T15:49:51.000Z",
                  "created_date__v" : "2018-04-14T15:49:51.000Z",
                  "custom_key_vid_key__v" : "CUSTOMER__v/3/change_request:HCO:932241745093790303"
                  "custom_key_entity_id__v" : "932241745093790303",
                  "custom_key_entity_type__v" : "HCO",
                  "custom_key_status__v" : "A",
                  "custom_key_source_type__v" : "WORKFLOW__v",
                  "custom_key_value__v" : "932241745037891103",
                  "modified_date__v" : "2018-04-14T15:49:51.000Z",
                  "vid__v" : "932241745112009311",
                  "custom_key_item_type__v" : "DCRID__v",
                  "custom_key_vid_key__v" : "WORKFLOW__v:DCRID__v:932241745037891103",
                  "created_date__v" : "2018-04-14T15:49:51.000Z",
                  "status_update_time__v" : "2018-04-14T15:49:51.000Z"
            "vid__v" : "932241745093790303",
            "hco_type__v" : "4:15",
            "modified_date__v" : "2018-04-14T15:50:18.000Z",
            "record_delta_id__v" : "932241746865717247",
            "corporate_name__v" : "Mac Healthcare",
            "accept_medicare__v" : "N",
            "kaiser__v" : "N",
            "major_class_of_trade__v" : "4",
            "licenses__v" : [],
            "accept_medicaid__v" : "N",
            "is_externally_mastered__v" : false,
            "ama_do_not_contact__v" : "N",
            "record_owner_type__v" : "LOCAL",
            "lab_services__v" : "N"

Associate custom key to HCO

This API enables you to submit external key identifiers when new HCOs are downloaded from Network without going through the full change request process. This API associates the external identifier you submit to the HCO vid_key you provide.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permissions.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • vid_key - The key of the entity to add the new key to.
The source of the new key.
The item type for the new key.
The value for the new key.
The name of the system for the key.
The status of the response.


responseStatus returns a failure if any standard errors occur or:

  • The vid_key does not represent an existing entity.
  • The entity specified by vid_key is not an existing HCO.
  • The key specified is already in use by another entity.


  • Version 3.0 added the system_name parameter.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''

Associate custom key to a child object

This API enables you to submit external key identifiers when new HCO child objects (addresses, licenses, parent HCOs,) are downloaded from Network without going through the full change request process. This API associates the external identifier you submit to the child object key you provide.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permissions.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • vid_key - The key of the entity to add the new key to.
  • child_object - A Network child object (address, license, parent HCO). Use one of the following values:
    • addresses - Associate custom key with addresses.
    • licenses - Associate custom key with licenses.
    • parent_hcos - Associate custom key with parent HCOs.
  • child_key - The key of the child object to add the new key to.
The source of the new key.
The item type for the new key.
The value for the new key.
The name of the system for the key.
The status of the response.


The following conditions return a failed response:

  • The vid_key or child object key do not represent an existing entity.
  • The entity specified by vid_key is not an existing HCO.
  • The entity specified by the child object key does not represent that child object type.
  • The keys specified are already in use by another entity.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''

Health care professional

The health care professional API enable you to retrieve HCP information and associate custom keys with or disassociate them from other entities.

Retrieve HCP

This API enables you to retrieve information about an HCP including the HCP itself, address, license, and parent HCO information (including their custom keys) for the HCP vid_key you provide.

This API downloads the record for the specified entity from Veeva OpenData to your customer instance.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version
  • vid_key is the key of the hcp to retrieve
Optional parameters
When provided, Network returns target alias values defined for reference codes for this system. Otherwise, Network returns default reference code values.
Specifies whether or not to display labels for reference type fields in the results.
Specifies the language to use if the enriched results option is enabled. Uses the IETF BCP 47 language standard.
Return hashtags for the requested type using the following values:
  • NETWORK - Display predefined Network hashtags.
  • ALL - Display Network-defined and custom hashtags.
  • NONE - Do not display hashtags.
An array of fields and values for each entity.
The status of the response in Network.
The list of hashtags available to the authenticated API user:


  • Following a retrieve entity call, Network returns all resource information, including custom keys.
  • The information returned does not include attributes with NULL values.
  • Network-specific fields are returned regardless of region.


  • Version 19.0 added the enrichedResults and resultLanguage parameters.
  • Version 25.0 added the returnHashtagsForType parameter.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204A6F7368"
   "entities" : [
         "metaData" : {},
         "entity" : {
            "specialty_1__v" : "AC",
            "is_externally_mastered__v" : false,
            "vid__v" : "932671707694238303",
            "licenses__v" : [
                  "record_state__v" : "VALID",
                  "modified_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:02.000Z",
                  "address_vid__v" : "932671707694238304",
                  "is_veeva_master__v" : false,
                  "license_status_condition__v" : "0",
                  "license_subtype__v" : "U",
                  "record_owner_name__v" : "Local",
                  "effective_date__v" : "2010-05-05",
                  "primary_license__c" : "U",
                  "license_number__v" : "1256987",
                  "status_update_time__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
                  "record_owner_type__v" : "LOCAL",
                  "body__v" : "ALMD",
                  "vid__v" : "932671707694238305",
                  "entity_type__v" : "HCP",
                  "entity_vid__v" : "932671707694238303",
                  "expiration_date__v" : "2013-12-31",
                  "license_status__v" : "A",
                  "record_delta_id__v" : "932671707821604865",
                  "created_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
                  "custom_keys__v" : []
            "record_version__v" : 1,
            "fellow__v" : "N",
            "hcp_status__v" : "A",
            "record_owner_type__v" : "LOCAL",
            "addresses__v" : [
                  "premise_number__v" : "326",
                  "thoroughfare_trailing_type__v" : "DR",
                  "thoroughfare__v" : "Harolds DR",
                  "delivery_address_1__v" : "326 Harolds DR",
                  "premise__v" : "326",
                  "address_status__v" : "A",
                  "record_owner_type__v" : "LOCAL",
                  "locality__v" : "BISMARCK",
                  "longitude__v" : -100.774784,
                  "is_veeva_master__v" : false,
                  "delivery_address__v" : "326 Harolds DR",
                  "address_line_1__v" : "326 Harolds Drive",
                  "modified_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:02.000Z",
                  "ISO_3166_3__v" : "USA",
                  "address_type__v" : "P",
                  "custom_keys__v" : [],
                  "created_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
                  "latitude__v" : 46.815034,
                  "address_verification_status__v" : "DS",
                  "record_delta_id__v" : "932671707821604864",
                  "thoroughfare_name__v" : "Harolds",
                  "formatted_address__v" : "326 Harolds DR BISMARCK ND 58501",
                  "entity_type__v" : "HCP",
                  "entity_vid__v" : "932671707694238303",
                  "ISO_3166_n__v" : "840",
                  "vid__v" : "932671707694238304",
                  "postal_code_primary__v" : "58501",
                  "country__v" : "US",
                  "postal_code__v" : "58501",
                  "status_update_time__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
                  "administrative_area__v" : "US-ND",
                  "record_owner_name__v" : "Local",
                  "address_ordinal__v" : 1,
                  "record_state__v" : "VALID"
            "status_update_time__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
            "is_veeva_master__v" : false,
            "email_1__v" : "",
            "last_name__v" : "PbLuobGIefdQCNtvQ8ZsViU3t",
            "record_owner_name__v" : "Local",
            "pdrp_optout__v" : "N",
            "modified_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:02.000Z",
            "first_name__v" : "cd1mhSAt7cUS6kg8NcK5oz6nF",
            "record_state__v" : "VALID",
            "kaiser__v" : "N",
            "specialty_1_rank__v" : 1,
            "custom_keys__v" : [
                  "custom_key_entity_id__v" : "932671707694238303",
                  "custom_key_status__v" : "A",
                  "custom_key_entity_type__v" : "HCP",
                  "modified_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
                  "custom_key_value__v" : "932671707570838463",
                  "custom_key_vid_key__v" : "WORKFLOW__v:DCRID__v:932671707570838463",
                  "vid__v" : "932671707718093407",
                  "created_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
                  "custom_key_item_type__v" : "DCRID__v",
                  "custom_key_source_type__v" : "WORKFLOW__v",
                  "status_update_time__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z"
                  "custom_key_source_type__v" : "CUSTOMER__v/3/change_request",
                  "status_update_time__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
                  "custom_key_vid_key__v" : "CUSTOMER__v/3/change_request:HCP:932671707694238303",
                  "vid__v" : "932671707717372511",
                  "created_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
                  "custom_key_item_type__v" : "HCP",
                  "custom_key_entity_type__v" : "HCP",
                  "modified_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
                  "custom_key_value__v" : "932671707694238303",
                  "custom_key_entity_id__v" : "932671707694238303",
                  "custom_key_status__v" : "A"
            "created_date__v" : "2018-06-29T14:15:00.000Z",
            "NewAlt__c" : "KP4J39SQJZC",
            "record_delta_id__v" : "932671707842248703",
            "formatted_name__v" : "John Smith",
            "gender__v" : "M",
            "grad_training__v" : "N",
            "parent_hcos__v" : [],
            "hcp_type__v" : "P",
            "primary_country__v" : "US",
            "ama_do_not_contact__v" : "N"
         "entityType" : "HCP",
         "entityId" : "932671707694238303"
   "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS"
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204A6F7368"
  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "entities": [
      "entityId": "243223879743439872",
      "entityType": "HCP",
      "metaData": {},
      "entity": {
        "first_name__v": "April",
        "parent_hcos__v": [
            "parent_hco_vid__v": "933083005204499295",
      "hashtags": [
          "name": "#npi",
          "color": "gray",
          "tooltip": "HCP or HCO has an NPI number",
          "tooltipLabel": "NPI: ",
          "tooltipValue": "1316006166",
          "tooltipHasOtherValue": false
          "name": "#md",
          "color": "gray",
          "tooltip": "HCP has a Doctor of Medicine",
          "tooltipLabel": null,
          "tooltipValue": null,
          "tooltipHasOtherValue": false
          "name": "#physician",
          "color": "gray",
          "tooltip": "HCP is a physician",
          "tooltipLabel": "Degrees: ",
          "tooltipValue": "Doctor of Medicine",
          "tooltipHasOtherValue": false
          "name": "#ServiceCloud",
          "color": "gray",
          "tooltip": "Account was added to Service Cloud",
          "tooltipLabel": "Service Cloud Account ID:",
          "tooltipValue": "21921521512",
          "tooltipHasOtherValue": false

Associate custom key to HCP

This API enables you to submit external key identifiers when new HCPs are downloaded from Network without going through the full change request process. This API associates the external identifier you submit to the HCP vid_key you provide.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permissions.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • vid_key - The key of the entity to add the new key to.
The source of the new key.
The item type for the new key.
The value for the new key.
The name of the system for the key.
The status of the response.


responseStatus returns a failure if any standard errors occur or:

  • The vid_key does not represent an existing entity.
  • The entity specified by vid_key is not an HCP.
  • The key specified is already in use by another entity.


  • Version 3.0 added the system_name parameter.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''

Associate custom key to a child object

This API enables you to submit external key identifiers when new HCP child objects (addresses, licenses, parent HCOs,) are downloaded from Network without going through the full change request process. This API associates the external identifier you submit to the child object key you provide.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permissions.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • vid_key - The key of the entity to add the new key to.
  • child_object - A Network child object (address, license, parent HCO). Use one of the following values:
    • addresses - Associate custom key with addresses.
    • licenses - Associate custom key with licenses.
    • parent_hcos - Associate custom key with parent HCOs.
  • child_key - The key of the child object to add the new key to.
The source of the new key.
The item type for the new key.
The value for the new key.
The name of the system for the key.
The status of the response.


The following conditions return a failed response:

  • The vid_key or child object key do not represent an existing HCP.
  • The entity specified by vid_key is not an HCP.
  • The entity specified by the child object key does not represent that child object type.
  • The keys specified are already in use by another entity.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''

Retrieve metadata

Metadata enables you to retrieve summary and detailed information about fields, field groups. object types, and reference data. You can also retrieve summary information about each available Network API version.

Retrieve available API versions

This enables you to retrieve summary information about each API version available in Network.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS is the URL for your API service

This API takes no parameters.

The status of the response from Network.
An array of values containing each available version and the version-specific API URL information.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368"
   "values": {
      "v1.0": "",
      "v2.0": "",
      "v3.0": "",
      "v4.0": "",
      "v5.0": "",
      "v6.0": "",
      "v7.0": "",
      "v8.0": "",
      "v9.0": "",
      "v10.0": "",
      "v11.0": "",
      "v12.0": "",
      "v13.0": "",
      "v14.0": "",
      "v15.0": "",
      "v16.0": "",
      "v17.0": "",
      "v18.0": "",
      "v19.0": "",
      "v20.0": "",
      "v21.0": "",
      "v22.0": "",
      "v23.0": "",
      "v24.0": "",
      "v25.0": "",
      "v26.0": "",
      "v27.0": "",
      "v28.0": "",
      "v29.0": "",
      "v30.0": "",
      "v31.0": "",
      "v32.0": ""
    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"

Retrieve hashtags

This API enables you to retrieve the list of hashtags available in a Network instance.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version
Optional parameters
Return hashtags for the requested type using the following values:
  • NETWORK - Display predefined Network hashtags.
  • CRM - Display hashtags specific to Veeva CRM.
  • ALL - Display Network-defined and custom hashtags.
  • NONE - Do not display hashtags.
The status of the response from Network.
The list of hashtags available to the authenticated API user:
The list of tooltip localized values. Includes languageCode, description, and fieldValue.
The list of hashtag visibility rules. Includes:
  • value - ALL when the type is WIDGET.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368"
  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "hashtags": [
      "name": "#npi",
      "color": "gray",
      "tooltipShowFieldValue": true,
      "tooltipField": "npi_num__v",
      "countries": [
      "entityTypes": [
      "hashtagRules": [
          "fieldName": "hcp.npi_num__v",
          "fieldType": "STRING",
          "ruleCondition": "is_not_null",
          "value1": null,
          "value2": null
          "fieldName": "hco.npi_num__v",
          "fieldType": "STRING",
          "ruleCondition": "is_not_null",
          "value1": null,
          "value2": null
      "hashtagTooltipLocalizations": [
          "languageCode": "EN",
          "description": "HCP or HCO has an NPI number",
          "fieldValue": "NPI: "
      "hashtagVisibilities": [
          "type": "NETWORK",
          "subtype": null,
          "value": "ALL"
          "type": "WIDGET",
          "subtype": "SEARCH_AND_DOWNLOAD",
          "value": "ALL"
          "type": "WIDGET",
          "subtype": "PROFILE",
          "value": "ALL"
          "type": "WIDGET",
          "subtype": "MY_REQUESTS",
          "value": "ALL"

Retrieve languages

This API enables you to retrieve the list of reference data languages available in a Network instance.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version

This API takes no parameters.

The status of the response from Network.
A list of the supported reference data languages that are organized by lowest ordinal value.

When new languages are added to Network, they are appended as a new column in the reference.csv file for target subscriptions. AlternateName is used as the column headers and alternateOrdinal determines the order of the language columns.

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368"
    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "languages": [
            "name": "en",
            "alternateName": "EN",
            "alternateOrdinal": 1,
            "associatedLocale": "en_US"
            "name": "zh",
            "alternateName": "ZH",
            "alternateOrdinal": 2,
            "associatedLocale": "zh_CN"
            "name": "fr",
            "alternateName": "FR",
            "alternateOrdinal": 3,
            "associatedLocale": "fr_FR"

Retrieve object types metadata

This API enables you to retrieve the list of object types available in Network.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version
Optional parameters
filter objects by customer- or Veeva-owned
The status of the response from Network.
An array of attribute information objects:
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368"
   "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS",
   "objectTypes" : [
         "description" : "Health Care Professional",
         "type" : "object",
         "status" : "ACTIVE",
         "customer_defined" : false,
         "name" : "HCP"
         "description" : "Health Care Organization",
         "type" : "object",
         "name" : "HCO",
         "customer_defined" : false,
         "status" : "ACTIVE"
         "description" : "Address",
         "type" : "sub-object",
         "customer_defined" : false,
         "status" : "ACTIVE",
         "name" : "ADDRESS"
         "name" : "LICENSE",
         "status" : "ACTIVE",
         "customer_defined" : false,
         "type" : "sub-object",
         "description" : "License"
         "type" : "relationship",
         "description" : "Parent HCO",
         "name" : "PARENTHCO",
         "customer_defined" : false,
         "status" : "ACTIVE"
         "type" : "sub-object",
         "description" : "Custom Key",
         "customer_defined" : false,
         "status" : "ACTIVE",
         "name" : "CUSTOMKEY"
         "type": "object",
         "description": "Employee",
         "customer_defined": true,
         "status": "ACTIVE",
         "name": "EMPLOYEE__C"

Retrieve fields metadata

This API enables you to retrieve detailed or summary information about the fields on each entity in Network.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version
Optional parameters
Filter fields to those applicable for certain object types:
Filter fields to those owned by the specified party:
Include field details:
Include labels in field details:
Filter fields to those applicable for a certain field group:
Filter fields by country visibility:
Filter fields by country visibility:
The status of the response from Network.
An array attribute of information objects:
  • field_id - The ID of the field; for example, first_name__v.
  • type:
    • dataType - The type object, containing two attributes:
    • discriminator - For reference data type, include the reference data type name
Set of language to description pairs (unless labels is not equal to True or empty).
True if this is a custom field, otherwise False.
Non-localized text description of field.
True if this is a read-only attribute, False otherwise.
True if this attribute can only be edited when owned by the customer. Cannot modify these attributes in Veeva OpenData records.
Either null or the name of the group for this attribute.
Either null or the name of the field set for this attribute.
The Network version of when the attribute was released, for example, 1.0.0 or 1.5.2.
The recommended maximum length for this attribute.
True if this is a required attribute, False otherwise.
True if this attribute can be blank, False otherwise.
The default value of this attribute.
NEX (Network Expression) rule that is evaluated to determine the value of this attribute
Bitwise OR of flags that describe when the expression is evaluated (1=evaluate on any value change, 2=evaluate on any attribute value change, 4=evaluate only if current value is not set)
The value that will be included in fields when the HCP record is marked as opted out. Current values:
The country code. Current values:
This field replaces the deprecated changeRequest flag. This value can be configured per region and entity. For each of defaultChangeProcedure (default change procedure for the attribute) and regionalChangeProcedures (change procedures per region), the current values are as follows:


  • The response HTTP header includes Last-Modified to indicate the date when the list of fields was last changed.
  • Supports the HTTP request header If-Modified-Since to check if the list of fields was modified since the specified date. The HTTP response contains the status code of 304 Not Modified if the content is unchanged.


  • Version 3.0 response includes required, blankAllowed, defaultValue, country.
  • Version 4.0 inclues the countries parameter.
  • Version 5.0 response includes expression and expressionFlags for attributes and countries.
  • Version 6.0 response includes the data privacy flag for attributes.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368"
   "attributes" : [
   "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS"

Retrieve field details metadata

This API enables you to retrieve detailed information about the fields on each entity in Network.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version
  • field_ids is a comma-separated list of field IDs to look up
Optional parameters
Include labels in field details:
Filter fields by country visibility:
The status of the response from Network.
An array attribute of information objects:
Set of language to description pairs (unless labels is not equal to True or empty).
True if this is a custom field, otherwise False.
Non-localized text description of field.
True if this is a read-only attribute, False otherwise.
True if this attribute can only be edited when owned by the customer. Cannot modify these attributes in Veeva OpenData records.
Either null or the name of the group for this attribute.
Either null or the name of the field set for this attribute.
The Network version of when the attribute was released, for example, 1.0.0 or 1.5.2.
The recommended maximum length for this attribute.
True if this is a required attribute, False otherwise.
True if this attribute can be blank, False otherwise.
The default value of this attribute.
NEX (Network Expression) rule that is evaluated to determine the value of this attribute
Bitwise OR of flags that describe when the expression is evaluated (1=evaluate on any value change, 2=evaluate on any attribute value change, 4=evaluate only if current value is not set)
The value that will be included in fields when the HCP record is marked as opted out. Current values:
The country code. Current values:
For reference data fields, returns true or false to indicate whether they are multiple value reference fields. For all other field types, null is returned.


  • Version 3.0 response includes required, blankAllowed, defaultValue.
  • Version 4.0 inclues the countries parameter.
  • Version 5.0 response includes expression and expressionFlags for attributes and countries.
  • Version 6.0 response includes the data privacy flag for attributes.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
   "attributes" : [
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "sinceVersion" : "1.0.0",
         "required" : false,
         "changeProcedure" : {
            "defaultChangeProcedure" : {
               "changeRequestFlags" : {
                  "HCP" : "DEFAULT"
            "regionalChangeProcedures" : {}
         "maximumLength" : 100,
         "labels" : {
            "zh" : "学术职务",
            "es" : "Título académico",
            "pt-BR" : "Título acadêmico",
            "tr" : "Akademik Ünvan",
            "fr" : "Titre de formation",
            "zh_HK" : "學術職務",
            "en" : "Academic Title",
            "pt" : "Título académico",
            "nl" : "Academische titel",
            "de" : "Akademischer Titel",
            "it" : "Titolo accademico",
            "ja" : "大学職位"
         "expressionFlags" : 0,
         "fieldId" : "academic_title__v",
         "ownerOnlyEdit" : false,
         "fieldGroup" : null,
         "countries" : {
            "AU" : {
               "required" : false,
               "expression" : null,
               "country" : "AU",
               "allowedObjectTypes" : [],
               "available" : false,
               "defaultValue" : null,
               "expressionFlags" : 0,
               "readOnly" : false
            "IE" : {
               "country" : "IE",
               "required" : false,
               "expression" : null,
               "readOnly" : false,
               "expressionFlags" : 0,
               "allowedObjectTypes" : [],
               "defaultValue" : null,
               "available" : false
            "NZ" : {
               "allowedObjectTypes" : [],
               "available" : false,
               "defaultValue" : null,
               "expressionFlags" : 0,
               "readOnly" : false,
               "expression" : null,
               "required" : false,
               "country" : "NZ"
            "FR" : {
               "available" : false,
               "defaultValue" : null,
               "allowedObjectTypes" : [],
               "expressionFlags" : 0,
               "readOnly" : false,
               "required" : false,
               "expression" : null,
               "country" : "FR"
            "BR" : {
               "expressionFlags" : 0,
               "readOnly" : false,
               "available" : true,
               "defaultValue" : null,
               "allowedObjectTypes" : [
               "country" : "BR",
               "required" : false,
               "expression" : null
            "JP" : {
               "expressionFlags" : 0,
               "readOnly" : false,
               "allowedObjectTypes" : [],
               "available" : false,
               "defaultValue" : null,
               "country" : "JP",
               "expression" : null,
               "required" : false
            "CN" : {
               "country" : "CN",
               "expression" : null,
               "required" : false,
               "readOnly" : false,
               "expressionFlags" : 0,
               "defaultValue" : null,
               "available" : true,
               "allowedObjectTypes" : [
            "DE" : {
               "readOnly" : false,
               "expressionFlags" : 0,
               "defaultValue" : null,
               "available" : true,
               "allowedObjectTypes" : [
               "country" : "DE",
               "required" : false,
               "expression" : null
            "GB" : {
               "expressionFlags" : 0,
               "readOnly" : false,
               "allowedObjectTypes" : [],
               "available" : false,
               "defaultValue" : null,
               "country" : "GB",
               "expression" : null,
               "required" : false
            "IT" : {
               "country" : "IT",
               "expression" : null,
               "required" : false,
               "expressionFlags" : 0,
               "readOnly" : false,
               "available" : false,
               "defaultValue" : null,
               "allowedObjectTypes" : []
            "US" : {
               "allowedObjectTypes" : [],
               "available" : false,
               "defaultValue" : null,
               "expressionFlags" : 0,
               "readOnly" : false,
               "required" : false,
               "expression" : null,
               "country" : "US"
         "expression" : null,
         "blankAllowed" : true,
         "dataPrivacyFlag" : "MASK_WITH_BLANK",
         "defaultValue" : null,
         "type" : {
            "discriminator" : "HCPAcademicTitle",
            "dataType" : "REFERENCE"
         "description" : "Academic Title",
         "fieldSet" : null,
         "readOnly" : false,
         "status" : "ACTIVE"
   "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS"

Retrieve field groups metadata

This API enables you to retrieve detailed information about the field groups available in Network. These field groups are used by the CRM bridge when retrieving and displaying information from Network in CRM.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version

This API takes no parameters.

The status of the response from Network.
An array of field groups.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
   "fieldGroups" : [
   "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS"

Retrieve reference data types metadata

This API enables you to retrieve information about reference data types in Network.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version
Optional parameters
Filter reference types to those owned by the specified party:
Include reference codes marked as inactive:
Include reference codes details:
Filter codes by country, only if includeCodes is True:
Filter fields by country visibility:
Return target alias values specified for reference value codes for this system:
  • Default - return the default reference value codes
The status of the response from Network.
A single object containing information on the type and its codes:


  • The response HTTP header includes Last-Modified to indicate the date when the list of fields was last changed.
  • Supports the HTTP request header If-Modified-Since to check if the list of fields was modified since the specified date. The HTTP response contains the status code of 304 Not Modified if the content is unchanged.


  • Version 4.0 includes the countries parameter.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
   "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS",
   "reference_type_values" : [
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "AddressAdminArea",
         "description" : "AddressAdminArea",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "description" : "Core Based Statistical Area",
         "type" : "AddressCBSA",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "type" : "AddressClusterLevelLabel",
         "description" : "Cluster Management Level Labels",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "type" : "AddressClusterProvider",
         "description" : "Cluster Providers",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "AddressClusterProviderVersion",
         "description" : "Cluster Provider Version"
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "AddressClusterStatus",
         "description" : "Cluster Management Status"
         "description" : "AddressCountry",
         "type" : "AddressCountry",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "inactive" : false,
         "description" : "AddressDPVConfIndicator",
         "type" : "AddressDPVConfIndicator",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "description" : "AddressDPVFootnotes",
         "type" : "AddressDPVFootnotes",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "type" : "AddressFootnotes",
         "description" : "AddressFootnotes",
         "inactive" : false
         "inactive" : false,
         "description" : "AddressISO31663",
         "type" : "AddressISO31663",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "AddressISO3166n",
         "description" : "AddressISO3166n",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "inactive" : false,
         "description" : "AddressRecordType",
         "type" : "AddressRecordType",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "AddressReturnCode",
         "description" : "AddressReturnCode"
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "description" : "AddressStatus",
         "type" : "AddressStatus",
         "inactive" : false
         "description" : "Is this a mail or professional address or both",
         "type" : "AddressType",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "AddressVerificationStatus",
         "description" : "AddressVerificationStatus",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "description" : "The direction of the affiliation between the two affiliated entities",
         "type" : "AffiliationDirection",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "description" : "The line thickness between the two affiliated entities",
         "type" : "AffiliationStrength"
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "BooleanReference",
         "description" : "Boolean Values"
         "description" : "High level description of the type of job or position that a Health Care Provider has at a Health Care Organization.",
         "type" : "ClassOfWork",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : true,
         "description" : "CM20567",
         "type" : "CommsTitleSOBI__c",
         "inactive" : false
         "description" : "CSRVariationType",
         "type" : "CSRVariationType",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "Currency",
         "description" : "Currency",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "DepartmentClass",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "description" : "EnrollmentOptions",
         "type" : "EnrollmentOptions",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "description" : "Type of entities in the system",
         "type" : "EntityType",
         "inactive" : false
         "inactive" : false,
         "description" : "An official recognition or certification authorizing an HCO to provide a certain type of service",
         "type" : "HCOAccreditation",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "HCOBusinessType"
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "description" : "CLIA Status",
         "type" : "HCOCLIAStatus",
         "inactive" : false
         "type" : "HCOEstablishedBy",
         "description" : "HCO Establishers",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "type" : "HCOFocusArea",
         "inactive" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "type" : "HCOHospitalGrade",
         "inactive" : false
         "description" : "Percentage of medicaid patients in the practice",
         "type" : "HCOMedicaidPercentage",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "type" : "HCOMedicarePercentage",
         "description" : "Percentage of medicare patients in the practice",
         "inactive" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "description" : "Status of HCO",
         "type" : "HCOStatus"
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "HCOType",
         "description" : "Type of HCO",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "type" : "HCPAcademicTitle",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "HCPBoardCertification",
         "description" : "Board Certification"
         "type" : "HCPConventionStatus",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "description" : "Credentials for an HCP",
         "type" : "HCPCredentials",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "description" : "Level of education for an HCP",
         "type" : "HCPEducationLevel",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "type" : "HCPFocusArea",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "inactive" : false,
         "description" : "Gender",
         "type" : "HCPGender",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "description" : "HCPGrade",
         "type" : "HCPGrade"
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "type" : "HCPMajorAreaofStudy",
         "inactive" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "description" : "Major Professional Activity",
         "type" : "HCPMajorProfActivity",
         "inactive" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "HCPMedicalDegree",
         "description" : "Degrees"
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "description" : "Place of Employment",
         "type" : "HCPPlaceOfEmployment"
         "inactive" : false,
         "description" : "Type of practice for an HCP",
         "type" : "HCPPracticeType",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "description" : "HCPPrefix",
         "type" : "HCPPrefix",
         "inactive" : false
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "HCPProfessionalLevel",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "type" : "HCPProfessionalTitle",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "type" : "HCPStatus",
         "description" : "HCP Statuses",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "HCPType",
         "description" : "HCPType"
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "KeySourceContext",
         "description" : "Key Source Context",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "description" : "Key Statuses",
         "type" : "KeyStatus",
         "inactive" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "Language",
         "description" : "Language"
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "LicenseCertification",
         "description" : "LicenseCertification",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "description" : "License DEA Business Activity Code",
         "type" : "LicenseDEACode"
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "type" : "LicenseDEAPaymentIndicator",
         "description" : "Sourced from a field in the DEA file layout that identifies if payment is required or is exempt.",
         "inactive" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "type" : "LicenseEligibility",
         "description" : "License Eligibility",
         "inactive" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "description" : "Status of a License",
         "type" : "LicenseStatus",
         "inactive" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "LicenseStatusCondition"
         "type" : "LicenseSubType",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "inactive" : false,
         "description" : "Type/Scope of license",
         "type" : "LicenseType",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "type" : "LicensingBody",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "type" : "MAHFunctionRoles__c",
         "description" : "test",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : true
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "type" : "MajorClassofTrade",
         "inactive" : false
         "description" : "MetalLevel",
         "type" : "MetalLevel",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "ParentAddressSyncReference",
         "description" : "Parent Address Sync Reference",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "description" : "Indicates whether the record is third party owned, OpenData owned or Customer Owned.",
         "type" : "RecordOwnerType",
         "inactive" : false
         "description" : "State of the record in the Veeva system",
         "type" : "RecordState",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "description" : "RelationHierarchyType",
         "type" : "RelationHierarchyType",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "description" : "RelationParentType",
         "type" : "RelationParentType"
         "description" : "Relationship Statuses",
         "type" : "RelationStatus",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "RelationStatusReason",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "RelationType",
         "description" : "RelationType"
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "SanctionCategory",
         "description" : "Sanction Categories",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "description" : "Sanction Exclusions",
         "type" : "SanctionExclusion",
         "inactive" : false
         "description" : "Specialties",
         "type" : "Specialty",
         "inactive" : false,
         "customerOwned" : false
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "SpecialtyGroup",
         "description" : "List of specialty group codes",
         "customerOwned" : false
         "customerOwned" : false,
         "inactive" : false,
         "type" : "TraumaLevel",
         "description" : "HCO Trauma Level"

Retrieve reference data type details metadata

This API enables you to retrieve detailed information about reference data types in Network.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version
  • type is the specific data type to retrieve details about
Optional parameters
Filter reference types to those owned by the specified party:
Include reference codes marked as inactive:
Filter codes by country, only if includeCodes is True:
Filter fields by country visibility:
Return target alias values specified for reference value codes for this system:
The status of the response from Network.
A single object containing information on the type and its codes:


  • The response HTTP header includes Last-Modified to indicate the date when the list of fields was last changed.
  • Supports the HTTP request header If-Modified-Since to check if the list of fields was modified since the specified date. The HTTP response contains the status code of 304 Not Modified if the content is unchanged.


  • Version 4.0 includes the countries parameter.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "type": "Specialty",
  "customerOwned": false,
  "inactive": false,
  "description": "Specialties",
  "reference_type_codes": [
      "type": "Specialty",
      "code": "AR",
      "values": {
        "en": "Abdominal Radiology"
      "customerOwned": false,
      "inactive": false,
      "countries": [
      "type": "Specialty",
      "code": "AS",
      "values": {
        "en": "Abdominal Surgery"
      "customerOwned": false,
      "inactive": false,
      "countries": [
      "type": "Specialty",
      "code": "ACU",
      "values": {
        "en": "Acupuncture"
      "customerOwned": false,
      "inactive": false,
      "countries": [
      "type": "Specialty",
      "code": "AC",
      "values": {
        "en": "Acute Care"
      "customerOwned": false,
      "inactive": false,
      "countries": [
      "type": "Specialty",
      "code": "ACP",
      "values": {
        "en": "Acute Care Pediatrics (APNs only)"
      "customerOwned": false,
      "inactive": false,
      "countries": [
      "type": "Specialty",
      "code": "ADM",
      "values": {
        "en": "Addiction Medicine"
      "customerOwned": false,
      "inactive": false,
      "countries": [
      "type": "Specialty",
      "code": "ADP",
      "values": {
        "en": "Addiction Psychiatry"
      "customerOwned": false,
      "inactive": false,
      "countries": [
      "type": "Specialty",
      "code": "PSU",
      "values": {
        "en": "Addiction Psychology & Counseling"
      "customerOwned": false,
      "inactive": false,
      "countries": [
      "type": "Specialty",
      "code": "AMD",
      "values": {
        "en": "Administrative Medicine"
      "customerOwned": false,
      "inactive": false,
      "countries": [
      "type": "Specialty",
      "code": "AMF",
      "values": {
        "en": "Adolescent Medicine (Family Medicine)"
      "customerOwned": false,
      "inactive": false,
      "countries": [
      "type": "Specialty",
      "code": "AMI",
      "values": {
        "en": "Adolescent Medicine (Internal Medicine)"
      "customerOwned": false,
      "inactive": false,
      "countries": [
      "type": "Specialty",
      "code": "ADL",
      "values": {
        "en": "Adolescent Medicine (Pediatrics)"
      "customerOwned": false,
      "inactive": false,
      "countries": [
      "type": "Specialty",
      "code": "CHD",
      "values": {
        "en": "Adult Congenital Heart Disease (IM)"
      "customerOwned": false,
      "inactive": false,
      "countries": [
      "type": "Specialty",
      "code": "ADU",
      "values": {
        "en": "Adult Health (APNs)"
      "customerOwned": false,
      "inactive": false,
      "countries": [
      "type": "Specialty",
      "code": "OAR",
      "values": {
        "en": "Adult Reconstructive Orthopedics"
      "customerOwned": false,
      "inactive": false,
      "countries": [

Retrieve reference data type code details metadata

This API enables you to retrieve detailed information about reference data type codes in Network.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS is the URL for your API service
  • version is the API version
  • type is the specific data type to retrieve details about
  • codes is a comma-separated list of codes to look up for the specified type. Unknown codes for the given type are ignored, without errors.
Optional parameters
Filter codes by country, only if includeCodes is True:
Filter fields by country visibility:
Return target alias values specified for reference value codes for this system:
  • Default - return the default reference value codes
The status of the response from Network.
An array of reference code objects:
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
   "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS",
   "reference_type_codes" : [
         "type" : "Specialty",
         "values" : {
            "tr" : "Alerji",
            "el" : "Αλλεργιολογία",
            "zh_HK" : "過敏",
            "pt" : "Imunoalergología",
            "da" : "Allergi",
            "es" : "Alergología",
            "sk" : "Alergológia",
            "en-GB" : "Allergology",
            "pl" : "Alergologia",
            "hu" : "Allergológia",
            "it" : "Allergologia",
            "en" : "Allergy",
            "ja" : "アレルギー科",
            "zh" : "过敏症",
            "fi" : "Allergia",
            "pt-BR" : "Alergologia",
            "cs" : "Alergologie",
            "fr" : "Maladies allergiques",
            "de" : "Allergie",
            "ru" : "Аллергология",
            "nl" : "Allergologie",
            "no" : "Allergi",
            "sv" : "Allergologi",
            "bg" : "Клинична алергология"
         "countries" : [
         "inactive" : false,
         "code" : "A",
         "customerOwned" : false


The match API enables you to match data immediately for a single record, which is helpful when you need to verify data in real-time; for example, when registering HCPs in a portal. You can match the data using an API call instead of trying to verify the data using Network Search which requires multiple searches, filtering and field queries.

The API uses the default match rules for your Network instance.

Retrieve Matches

This API enables you to match data immediately for a single record using match rules from the specified Network instance.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
Optional Parameters
Cleanse the input address before matching. The default is False.
Include results from Veeva OpenData with results from customer data. The default uses the configuration of Veeva OpenData search.
Integer type. The number of results to return. The default is 10. The maximum is 50.
The name of the match rule collection to be used for matching. By default, the country default match rules are used.
When provided, Network returns target alias values defined for reference codes for this system. Otherwise, Network returns default reference code values.
Specifies whether or not to display labels for reference type fields in the results.
Specifies the language to use if the enriched results option is enabled. Uses the IETF BCP 47 language standard.
The entity type for the match request.
The entity data, using the structure and fields from the data model of the specified Network instance. The primary_country__v field and associated value are required.
The status of the response.
Details about the match configuration that was used.
The data used in the match request.
An array of attribute information for the objects; for example, the Network entity ID, ASK or ACT match, or feature set. Each entity includes match results that provide details such as the match advice, confidence level, rank group, and rank score.
The number of matched entities.
The maximum number of results returned in this request.


responseStatus returns a failure if any standard errors occur or if:

  • The request was submitted without an entity type.
  • The entity type provided is invalid.
  • The request was submitted without a primary country.
  • The primary country code provided is invalid.

responseStatus returns INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS if:

  • A data steward, portal user, or standard user submits the request.

The following users can submit a request using the match API if they have API access enabled:

  • System and Data Admin
  • System Administrator
  • Data Manager
  • Integration User
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368"
  "entity_type": "HCP",
  "entity": {
    "first_name__v" : "Clinton",
    "last_name__v" : "Ackerman",
    "addresses__v": [
        "address_line_1__v" : "1240 India Street",
        "locality__v": "San Diego",
        "administrative_area__v": "US-CA",
        "country__v": "US"
    "licenses__v": [
      "license_number__v" : "0123456A"
  "primary_country__v": "US"
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": null,
  "requestTS": 1629735205762,
  "payload": {
    "matchSetup": {
      "country": "US",
      "entityType": "HCP",
      "includeMasterResults": true,
      "addressCleansing": true
    "sourceEntity": {
      "first_name__v": "Amanda",
      "last_name__v": "Jackson",
      "npi_num__v": "1669926804",
      "primary_country__v": "US",
      "sha_id__v": "722739",
      "vid__v": "6656453490",
      "me_id__v": "0350313065",
      "addresses__v": [
          "address_line_1__v": "8333 Goodwood Blvd",
          "locality__v": "Milwaukee",
          "postal_code__v": "53226",
          "country__v": "US",
          "phone_1__v": "8474281179",
          "administrative_area__v": "US-WI"
      "licenses__v": [
          "type_value__v": "IL",
          "license_number__v": "67198",
          "vid__v": "66564534634"
          "type_value__v": "DEA",
          "license_number__v": "BM2637126",
          "vid__v": "66564534"
      "parent_hcos__v": [
          "parent_hco_corp_name__m": "Thida Maw MD Pediatrics"
          "parent_hco_vid__v": "932179080181712799"
    "matchedEntities": [
        "metaData": {
          "vid__v": "938361996114591775",
          "resultFromMaster": false,
          "fromMasterInstance": -1,
          "dataGroups": {
            "addresses__v.locality__v=milwaukee & is_externally_mastered__v!=true & primary_country__v=us": 1,
            "is_externally_mastered__v!=true & primary_country__v=us & sha_id__v=722739": 1,
            "first_name__v=amanda & is_externally_mastered__v!=true & last_name__v=jackson & primary_country__v=us": 1,
            "is_externally_mastered__v!=true & npi_num__v=1669926804 & primary_country__v=us": 1,
            "addresses__v.locality__v=milwaukee & first_name__v=amanda & is_externally_mastered__v!=true & primary_country__v=us": 1,
            "addresses__v.locality__v=milwaukee & is_externally_mastered__v!=true & last_name__v=jackson & primary_country__v=us": 1
          "downloadFromMaster": false
        "matchResult": {
          "advice": "ACT",
          "rankScore": 1.0,
          "rankGroup": "first_name",
          "confidence": 0.985,
          "featureInfoList": [
              "name": "NPI is not different",
              "fields": [
              "name": "SHA ID is identical",
              "fields": [
        "entityType": "HCP",
        "entityId": "938361996114591775",
        "entity": {
          "npi_num__v": "1669926804",
          "sha_id__v": "722739"
        "metaData": {
          "vid__v": "938361996114591775",
          "resultFromMaster": true,
          "fromMasterInstance": 2,
          "dataGroups": {
            "addresses__v.locality__v=milwaukee & is_externally_mastered__v!=true & primary_country__v=us": 0,
            "is_externally_mastered__v!=true & primary_country__v=us & sha_id__v=722739": 1,
            "first_name__v=amanda & is_externally_mastered__v!=true & last_name__v=jackson & primary_country__v=us": 1,
            "is_externally_mastered__v!=true & npi_num__v=1669926804 & primary_country__v=us": 1,
            "addresses__v.locality__v=milwaukee & first_name__v=amanda & is_externally_mastered__v!=true & primary_country__v=us": 0,
            "addresses__v.locality__v=milwaukee & is_externally_mastered__v!=true & last_name__v=jackson & primary_country__v=us": 0
          "downloadFromMaster": true
        "matchResult": {
          "advice": "ACT",
          "rankScore": 0.5,
          "rankGroup": "groupB_hcp_type",
          "confidence": 0.985,
          "featureInfoList": [
              "name": "NPI is not different",
              "fields": [
              "name": "SHA ID is identical",
              "fields": [
        "entityType": "HCP",
        "entityId": "938361996114591775",
        "entity": {
          "npi_num__v": "1669926804",
          "sha_id__v": "722739"
    "totalCount": 2,
    "limit": 10
  "sr": "SR"


The merge event APIs enable you to retrieve details about merge and unmerge events for a specified date. This enables downstream systems to receive and process merges and unmerges very quickly after they occur.

Merge event calls are limited to 100 results. You can include the offset parameter in subsequent requests to retrieve additional pages of results.

Retrieve Merges

This API enables you to retrieve the results of merge events that occurred in your Network instance.

Merges initiated by Veeva OpenData on a master instance are included if the surviving and losing records of the merge have been downloaded to your instance.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
Optional Parameters
When provided, Network returns target alias values defined for reference codes for this system. Otherwise, Network returns default reference code values.
Specifies whether or not to display labels for reference type fields in the results.
Specifies the language to use if the enriched results option is enabled. Uses the IETF BCP 47 language standard.
The status of the response.
The number of results matching the request. When the total count exceeds the limit (100), you can run subsequent requests using the offset parameter to get additional page results.
The offset of this request.
The requested start date in ISO 8601 format.
A list of the event details.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 5A4A96438B07E1A8AF2D50CCB331EDB53A9BD4B201AD6EF7FF3260A4463CD8D4D046D7C3C6193CB837BFE818623A473A436CC6034096376DBBB762D9C6378DB47D4C4B2969026999538A1009E3EBBBE0"

Retrieve Unmerges

This API enables you to retrieve the results of unmerge events that occurred in your Network instance.

Unmerges include events that occurred in your Network instance; only customer (gray) records are reported.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
Optional Parameters
When provided, Network returns target alias values defined for reference codes for this system. Otherwise, Network returns default reference code values.
Specifies whether or not to display labels for reference type fields in the results.
Specifies the language to use if the enriched results option is enabled. Uses the IETF BCP 47 language standard.
The status of the response.
The number of results matching the request. When the total count exceeds the limit (100), you can run subsequent requests using the offset parameter to get additional page results.
The offset of this request.
The requested start date in ISO 8601 format.
A list of the event details.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 5A4A96438B07E1A8AF2D50CCB331EDB53A9BD4B201AD6EF7FF3260A4463CD8D4D046D7C3C6193CB837BFE818623A473A436CC6034096376DBBB762D9C6378DB47D4C4B2969026999538A1009E3EBBBE0"


Search calls enable you to construct simple, yet powerful searches to retrieve data from Network.

Calls through the Search API pass a query string in an expression that specifies the search text and specific parameters to get the intended set of entities from Network. Search results are ranked according to closeness to the search terms specified.

This API enables you to retrieve the full set of entities and child objects matching the specified search criteria.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
The query string (type text).
The query string scoped to the address object of the entity.
The entity type; ALL for all objects, HCO or HCP or a specific object value for custom objects (for example, STUDY__C). If not specified, the default is all types, and only Veeva objects are searched; custom objects will not be searched.
The pagination number (type integer). The default is 0.
The number to limit the results returned (type integer). The default is 10. The maximum is 100.
The attribute to sort results by (type text). For example, first_name__v.
The sort order for the search. Value is asc for ascending or desc for descending.
A list of entity statuses to match on, including A (active), C (closed), D (deceased), I (inactive), R (retired), U (unknown), X (unknown license).
Include the facets in the response. The default is False.
Include highlights in the response. The default is True.
The maximum number of items to return for each facet (type integer). The default is 500.
Include results from Veeva OpenData with results of the customer data. The default uses the configuration of Veeva OpenData search.
Include results only from Veeva OpenData. The default is False. Veeva OpenData search must be enabled by configuration.
The filters for refining the result, for example, Country, Region, or Specialty (type text). For child entity attributes, use the following aliases:

Filters support scoped entity filters, which enable users to apply filters to a specific entity:

Filters also support collection fields, which enable users to search an OR condition across a collection of fields during search. The fields must be enabled in the data model to be included in collection.

Search filters should not be used with multivalued fields.

The filters for refining the result (PARTIAL MATCH). For child entity attributes, use the following aliases:
The language to run the query against. This is important when searching on reference values. For example, a search on "John Smith Pediatrics" will not return results for the specialty of pediatrics if the specified language is Chinese. If a language is not provided in the search query, the authenticated API user's default language is used.
If provided, Network returns target alias values specified for reference value codes for this system. If not provided, Network returns default reference value codes.
If provided, Network returns related parent HCOs of the entities found in the supplemental results.
Search results are filtered by their proximity to the specified location. Results outside the specified distance are excluded. The parameter is a comma separated list of fields in the format of "latitude, longitude, distance, bottomRightLatitude, bottomRightLongitude, filterType":
Search results are sorted by their proximity to the specified location. The parameter is a geo coordinate pair in the form latitude,longitude (for example 38.889931,-77.009003). Sort by location cannot be combined with sort by other attributes.
For search results containing addresses, licenses or parent HCOs, they will be sorted starting with the most relevant result. Default is False.

The returnHighlights flag must also be True for this functionality.

Address sort rules:

License sort rules:

Parent HCO sort rules:

Specifies whether or not to apply nesting to child object clauses. This will convert a requested field query into a fuzzy matching filter on the same field. The default is False.
Specifies the filters for parent HCO results. Parent HCOs in the parent_hco__v and supplementalResults sections will be returned if they pass these filters. The format is identical to filters but does not support filtering by child entities of the HCO.
Specifies whether or not to display labels for reference type fields in the results.
Specifies the language to use if the enriched results option is enabled. Uses the IETF BCP 47 language standard.
The filters for excluding results. The format is identical to filters but does not support child entity-scoped attributes.
The filters for excluding parent HCO results. Parent HCOs in the parent_hco__v and supplementalResults sections will not be returned if they pass these filters. The format is identical to filters but does not support filtering by child entities of the HCO.
Return hashtags for the requested type using the following values:
The status of the response from Network.
An array of attribute information objects:
The total number of records hitting the search, regardless of limit.
The pagination number. The default is 0.
The number provided to limit the results.
An array of attribute information objects containing details of the parent HCOs returned on the results.
The list of hashtags available to the authenticated API user:


  • There are two lines for highlights: The first contains the terms and the second contains the output from the search engine.
  • The supplmentalResults set at the end of the result contains the external entity information of any parent HCOs referenced in the main results. Use the parent_hco_vid_v from the parent_hcos__v set and the vid_v on the supplmentalResults for reference.
  • Network-specific fields are returned by the API regardless of region.
  • Filters are not supported for Date or DateTime type fields.
  • Search only returns results based on visibility rules defined in the data visibility profile of the API user.
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curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368" ''
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Managing subscriptions

The system interfaces APIs enable you to manage source and target subscriptions that import and export data to and from Network.

With these APIs you can retrieve information about systems, subscriptions, and corresponding jobs.

Create a subscription job

This API enables you to create a subscription job.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permission.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • subscription_name - The name of the subscription.

The following parameters are supported for source subscriptions:

Optional Parameters

Enable one of the following behaviors:

save_changes - Save changes to the database.

test_mode - Run the job in test mode only.

simulation_mode - Run the job in simulation mode.

default - Run the subscription using the current subscription configuration.

This parameter does not change the subscription configuration.

The following parameters are supported for target subscriptions;

Optional Parameters
The start data revision for the job.
The end data revision for the job.
Apply the other data revision parameters to delta exports only.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: 8B0419FB7885B7D765A919CFF7178D1B61835CCD1CD19CA15701DED9267984F783A66DFF255DB7A8B5AB9259B102A7C7DFCF9407C9ACBB6A9500B2345694021AC4693F3F7C588B2C8C5681882378FB7B"
  "job_id" : 87,
  "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS"

Cancel a subscription job

This API enables you to cancel a subscription job.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permission.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • job_id - The unique ID of the job.

This API takes no parameters.

The status of the response.


This API will fail if:

  • The job ID cannot be found.
  • The status of the job is not ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, or STOPPING.

Since the request to cancel the job is asynchronous, the request might be unsuccessful, regardless of these specific cases.

curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: 8B0419FB7885B7D765A919CFF7178D1B61835CCD1CD19CA15701DED9267984F783A66DFF255DB7A8B5AB9259B102A7C7DFCF9407C9ACBB6A9500B2345694021AC4693F3F7C588B2C8C5681882378FB7B"
  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"

Retrieve a subscription job status

This API enables you to retrieve the status of a source or target subscription job.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • job_id - The unique ID of the job.

This API takes no parameters.

The status of the response.
The ID of the subscription.
The name of the subscription.
The total duration of the job.
The type of job; for example, manual for a manually run subscription.
The total number of errors.
The total number of bad records.
The total number of records.
The total number of files processed.
For each object type:
The total number of rows processed for each entity type.
The total match results for each entity type.
The total number of records processed, added, and merged for each entity type.
The unique ID of the job generated for the subscription you specified.
The status of the job for the specified subscription.
The date the job was created in GMT.
The date and time the job completed.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 8B0419FB7885B7D765A919CFF7178D1B61835CCD1CD19CA15701DED9267984F783A66DFF255DB7A8B5AB9259B102A7C7DFCF9407C9ACBB6A9500B2345694021AC4693F3F7C588B2C8C5681882378FB7B"
   "errorCount" : 0,
   "type" : "MANUAL",
   "subscriptionId" : 80,
   "completed_date" : "2018-05-09T08:09:50.000Z",
   "recordCount" : 0,
   "job_status" : "COMPLETE",
   "jobResultSummary" : {
      "ADDRESS" : {
         "recordsUpdated" : 1,
         "recordsInvalidated" : 0,
         "total" : 32,
         "recordsSkipped" : 0,
         "newRecordsAdded" : 31,
         "recordsMerged" : 0
      "CUSTOMKEY" : {
         "recordsInvalidated" : 0,
         "recordsUpdated" : 2,
         "total" : 71,
         "recordsSkipped" : 0,
         "recordsMerged" : 0,
         "newRecordsAdded" : 69
      "HCP" : {
         "recordsSkipped" : 0,
         "total" : 14,
         "recordsUpdated" : 0,
         "recordsInvalidated" : 0,
         "recordsMerged" : 0,
         "newRecordsAdded" : 14
      "HCO" : {
         "recordsSkipped" : 0,
         "total" : 2,
         "recordsUpdated" : 2,
         "recordsInvalidated" : 0,
         "newRecordsAdded" : 0,
         "recordsMerged" : 0
      "LICENSE" : {
         "total" : 19,
         "recordsSkipped" : 0,
         "recordsUpdated" : 0,
         "recordsInvalidated" : 0,
         "newRecordsAdded" : 19,
         "recordsMerged" : 0
      "PARENTHCO" : {
         "newRecordsAdded" : 5,
         "recordsMerged" : 0,
         "recordsUpdated" : 0,
         "recordsInvalidated" : 0,
         "total" : 5,
         "recordsSkipped" : 0
   "processedDataSummary" : {
      "PARENTHCO" : 25,
      "HCO" : 2,
      "LICENSE" : 20,
      "ADDRESS" : 38,
      "HCP" : 14
   "subscriptionName" : "CRM_Import",
   "badRecordCount" : 0,
   "job_id" : 87,
   "created_date" : "2018-05-09T08:08:50.000Z",
   "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS",
   "filesProcessed" : 0,
   "durationInMilliseconds" : 60000

Create a source subscription job

This API enables you to create a source subscription job.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permission.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • system_name - The unique name of the system.
  • subscription_name - The name of the subscription.
Optional Parameters

Enable one of the following behaviors:

save_changes - Save changes to the database.

test_mode - Run the job in test mode only.

simulation_mode - Run the job in simulation mode.

default - Run the subscription using the current subscription configuration.

This parameter does not change the subscription configuration.

The status of the response.
The unique ID of the job generated for the subscription you specified.

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: 8B0419FB7885B7D765A919CFF7178D1B61835CCD1CD19CA15701DED9267984F783A66DFF255DB7A8B5AB9259B102A7C7DFCF9407C9ACBB6A9500B2345694021AC4693F3F7C588B2C8C5681882378FB7B"
  "job_id" : 10543,
  "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS"

Cancel a source subscription job

This API enables you to cancel a source subscription job.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permission.


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • system_name - The unique name of the system.
  • subscription_name - The name of the subscription.
  • job_id - The unique ID of the job.

This API takes no parameters.

The status of the response.
curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: 8B0419FB7885B7D765A919CFF7178D1B61835CCD1CD19CA15701DED9267984F783A66DFF255DB7A8B5AB9259B102A7C7DFCF9407C9ACBB6A9500B2345694021AC4693F3F7C588B2C8C5681882378FB7B"
  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"

Retrieve a source subscription job status

This API enables you to retrieve the status of a source subscription job.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • system_name - The unique name of the system.
  • subscription_name - The name of the subscription.
  • job_id - The unique ID of the job.

This API takes no parameters.

The status of the response.
The ID of the subscription.
The name of the subscription.
The total duration of the job.
The type of job; for example, manual for a manually run subscription.
The total number of errors.
The total number of bad records.
The total number of records.
The total number of files processed.
For each object type:
The total number of rows processed for each entity type.
The total match results for each entity type.
The total number of records processed, added, and merged for each entity type.
The unique ID of the job generated for the subscription you specified.
The status of the job for the specified subscription.
The date the job was created in GMT.
The date and time the job completed.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 8B0419FB7885B7D765A919CFF7178D1B61835CCD1CD19CA15701DED9267984F783A66DFF255DB7A8B5AB9259B102A7C7DFCF9407C9ACBB6A9500B2345694021AC4693F3F7C588B2C8C5681882378FB7B"
   "filesProcessed" : 1,
   "errorCount" : 0,
   "subscriptionName" : "CRM_Import",
   "completed_date" : "2019-12-18T22:42:32.000Z",
   "job_status" : "COMPLETE",
   "job_id" : 10537,
   "jobResultSummary" : {
      "CUSTOMKEY" : {
         "total" : 2,
         "recordsUpdated" : 0,
         "recordsSkipped" : 2,
         "newRecordsAdded" : 0,
         "recordsInvalidated" : 0,
         "recordsMerged" : 0
      "HCP" : {
         "total" : 1,
         "recordsUpdated" : 0,
         "recordsSkipped" : 1,
         "recordsMerged" : 0,
         "recordsInvalidated" : 0,
         "newRecordsAdded" : 0
      "ADDRESS" : {
         "total" : 1,
         "recordsUpdated" : 0,
         "recordsSkipped" : 1,
         "recordsInvalidated" : 0,
         "newRecordsAdded" : 0,
         "recordsMerged" : 0
   "durationInMilliseconds" : 3000,
   "created_date" : "2019-12-18T22:42:29.000Z",
   "subscriptionId" : 117,
   "processedDataSummary" : {
      "HCP" : 1,
      "ADDRESS" : 1
   "type" : "MANUAL",
   "dataLoadSummary" : {
      "ADDRESS" : {
         "rowsRead" : 1,
         "rowsParsed" : 1
      "HCP" : {
         "rowsParsed" : 1,
         "rowsRead" : 1
   "badRecordCount" : 0,
   "recordCount" : 2,
   "matchSummary" : {
      "HCP" : {
         "ACT" : 1,
         "notMatched" : 0,
         "ASK" : 0
      "HCO" : {
         "ACT" : 0,
         "notMatched" : 0,
         "ASK" : 0
   "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS"

Create a target subscription job

This API enables you to create a target subscription job.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permission.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • system_name - The unique name of the system.
  • subscription_name - The name of the subscription.
Optional Parameters
The start data revision for the job.
The end data revision for the job.
Apply the other data revision parameters to delta exports only.
To avoid job timeouts you can set this parameter to split to split the export files. The maximum file size with this option set is 1GB.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: 0F7FCD0FAF2A76893CCB286551DE4587C24166A9004740BE8ADD4594D3C87AB00CE90E0D19276D4C2733601D311C0AFB7346B8C9A3728B0FD823D4147BF4CD53E47729F90611CA3899E574B322CAC236"
  "job_id" : 10563,
  "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS"

Cancel a target subscription job

This API enables you to cancel a target subscription job.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permission.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • system_name - The unique name of the system.
  • subscription_name - The name of the subscription.
  • job_id - The unique ID of the job.

This API takes no parameters.

The status of the response.


This API will fail if:

  • The system, subscription, or job ID cannot be found.
  • The system, subscription, or job ID do not match the request.
  • The status of the job is not ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, or STOPPING.

Since the request to cancel the job is asynchronous, the request might be unsuccessful, regardless of these specific cases.

curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: 0F7FCD0FAF2A76893CCB286551DE4587C24166A9004740BE8ADD4594D3C87AB00CE90E0D19276D4C2733601D311C0AFB7346B8C9A3728B0FD823D4147BF4CD53E47729F90611CA3899E574B322CAC236"
  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"

Retrieve target subscription artifact

This API enables you to retrieve the artifacts (file contents) of a target subscription job.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • job_id - The unique ID of the job.
  • filename - is the name of the .csv file to retrieve

This API takes no parameters.

The response returns the contents of the requested file.

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368"
"243090311377585154","Lori Lynn",,"Baylor","I","US","RN","VALID"
"243143545802720257","Iara","Del Mar","Iglesias","A","OBG","MD","VALID"

Retrieve a target subscription job status

This API enables you to retrieve the status of a source or target subscription job.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • system_name - The unique name of the system.
  • subscription_name - The name of the subscription.
  • job_id - The unique ID of the job.

This API takes no parameters.

The status of the response.
The ID of the subscription.
The name of the subscription.
The total duration of the job.
The type of job; for example, manual for a manually run subscription.
The total number of errors.
The total number of bad records.
The number of HCPs exported.
The number of HCOs exported.
The number of addresses exported.
The number of licenses exported.
The number of parent HCOs exported.
The number of custom keys exported.
The number of reference data values exported.
Whether or not the job is a full data export.
The version for the reference data file.
Whether or not active records should be exported only.
The encoding of the export file; for example, UTF-8.
The unique ID of the job generated for the subscription you specified.
The status of the job for the specified subscription.
The date the job was created in GMT.
The start data revision for the job.
The end data revision for the job.
The export file location including the file name.
The total number of records exported.
The date and time the job completed.
The list of exported entity and child counts. Replaces the following fields:


If no revisions exist in the given range:

  • data_revision_first will be used for the change request.
  • data_revision_last = 0.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 0F7FCD0FAF2A76893CCB286551DE4587C24166A9004740BE8ADD4594D3C87AB00CE90E0D19276D4C2733601D311C0AFB7346B8C9A3728B0FD823D4147BF4CD53E47729F90611CA3899E574B322CAC236"
   "errorCount" : 0,
   "type" : "MANUAL",
   "subscriptionId" : 80,
   "completed_date" : "2019-12-19T18:59:55.000Z",
   "recordCount" : 0,
   "job_status" : "COMPLETE",
   "jobResultSummary" : {
      "ADDRESS" : {
         "recordsUpdated" : 1,
         "recordsInvalidated" : 0,
         "total" : 32,
         "recordsSkipped" : 0,
         "newRecordsAdded" : 31,
         "recordsMerged" : 0
      "CUSTOMKEY" : {
         "recordsInvalidated" : 0,
         "recordsUpdated" : 2,
         "total" : 71,
         "recordsSkipped" : 0,
         "recordsMerged" : 0,
         "newRecordsAdded" : 69
      "HCP" : {
         "recordsSkipped" : 0,
         "total" : 14,
         "recordsUpdated" : 0,
         "recordsInvalidated" : 0,
         "recordsMerged" : 0,
         "newRecordsAdded" : 14
      "HCO" : {
         "recordsSkipped" : 0,
         "total" : 2,
         "recordsUpdated" : 2,
         "recordsInvalidated" : 0,
         "newRecordsAdded" : 0,
         "recordsMerged" : 0
      "LICENSE" : {
         "total" : 19,
         "recordsSkipped" : 0,
         "recordsUpdated" : 0,
         "recordsInvalidated" : 0,
         "newRecordsAdded" : 19,
         "recordsMerged" : 0
      "PARENTHCO" : {
         "newRecordsAdded" : 5,
         "recordsMerged" : 0,
         "recordsUpdated" : 0,
         "recordsInvalidated" : 0,
         "total" : 5,
         "recordsSkipped" : 0
   "processedDataSummary" : {
      "PARENTHCO" : 25,
      "HCO" : 2,
      "LICENSE" : 20,
      "ADDRESS" : 38,
      "HCP" : 14
   "subscriptionName" : "FullExport",
   "badRecordCount" : 0,
   "job_id" : 10563,
   "created_date" : "2019-12-19T18:52:13.000Z",
   "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS",
   "filesProcessed" : 0,
   "durationInMilliseconds" : 60000

Create a compliance subscription job

This API enables you to create a compliance subscription job.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permission.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • subscription_name - The name of the subscription.

This API takes no parameters.

The status of the response.
The unique ID of the job generated for the subscription you specified.

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: 0F7FCD0FAF2A76893CCB286551DE4587C24166A9004740BE8ADD4594D3C87AB00CE90E0D19276D4C2733601D311C0AFB7346B8C9A3728B0FD823D4147BF4CD53E47729F90611CA3899E574B322CAC236"
  "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS",
  "job_id" : 10566

Cancel a compliance subscription job

This API enables you to cancel a compliance subscription job.

This API requires system administrator or API-only permission.


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • subscription - (Undefined variable: Endpoint_parms.subscription)
  • job_id - The unique ID of the job.

This API takes no parameters.

The status of the response.


This API will fail if:

  • The system, subscription, or job ID cannot be found.
  • The system, subscription, or job ID do not match the request.
  • The status of the job is not ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, or STOPPING.

Since the request to cancel the job is asynchronous, the request might be unsuccessful, regardless of these specific cases.

curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: 0F7FCD0FAF2A76893CCB286551DE4587C24166A9004740BE8ADD4594D3C87AB00CE90E0D19276D4C2733601D311C0AFB7346B8C9A3728B0FD823D4147BF4CD53E47729F90611CA3899E574B322CAC236"
  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"

Retrieve a compliance subscription job status

This API enables you to retrieve the status of a source or target subscription job.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • subscription - (Undefined variable: Endpoint_parms.subscription)
  • job_id - The unique ID of the job.

This API takes no parameters.

The status of the response.
The ID of the subscription.
The name of the subscription.
The total duration of the job.
The type of job; for example, manual for a manually run subscription.
The total number of errors.
The total number of bad records.
An array of cross-reference counts.
The unique ID of the job generated for the subscription you specified.
The status of the job for the specified subscription.
The date the job was created in GMT.
The export file location including the file name.
The date and time the job completed.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 0F7FCD0FAF2A76893CCB286551DE4587C24166A9004740BE8ADD4594D3C87AB00CE90E0D19276D4C2733601D311C0AFB7346B8C9A3728B0FD823D4147BF4CD53E47729F90611CA3899E574B322CAC236"
    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "subscriptionId": 12,
    "subscriptionName": "comp_us",
    "durationInMilliseconds": 2000,
    "type": "COMPLIANCE",
    "errorCount": 0,
    "badRecordCount": 0,
    "crossReferenceDetails": [
            "object": "HCO",
            "source": "NPI",
            "count": 2819,
            "matched": false
            "object": "HCP",
            "source": "SLN",
            "count": 1835,
            "matched": false
            "object": "HCP",
            "source": "SLN",
            "count": 13881,
            "matched": false
            "object": "HCO",
            "source": "CMS_TEACHING_HOSPITAL",
            "count": 826,
            "matched": false
            "object": "HCO",
            "source": "DEA",
            "count": 30,
            "matched": false
            "object": "HCP",
            "source": "NPI",
            "count": 6578,
            "matched": false
            "object": "HCP",
            "source": "DEA",
            "count": 106,
            "matched": false
            "object": "HCP",
            "source": "DEA",
            "count": 6263,
            "matched": false
            "object": "HCO",
            "source": "CMS_TEACHING_HOSPITAL",
            "count": 5532,
            "matched": false
            "object": "HCO",
            "source": "NPI",
            "count": 5730,
            "matched": false
            "object": "HCP",
            "source": "NPI",
            "count": 494,
            "matched": false
            "object": "HCO",
            "source": "DEA",
            "count": 44,
            "matched": false
    "job_id": 10566,
    "job_status": "COMPLETE",
    "created_date": "2015-10-16T08:14:57.000-07:00",
    "export_package_path": "outbound/US_Compliance_Target_Subscription/",
    "completed_date": "2015-10-16T08:14:59.000-07:00"

Bulk exports

This tutorial details the steps required to perform and retrieve a bulk export from Veeva Network using the Network API.

The basic steps required are as follows

  1. Authenticate with Network.
  2. Create a target subscription job.
  3. Check the status of the subscription job (optionaL).
  4. Retrieve the results of the subscription job.

When initiating a bulk export, you'll need to know the system and subscription names in the Network instance you're calling.

Authenticating with Network

The Authenticate API enables user authentication. After the user is authenticated, a sessionId is returned by Network that must be used on subsequent API calls. The sessionId is valid for 20 minutes.

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d \
'' \

If the authentication is successful, the response will appear like this:

   "networkId" : "500",
   "sessionId" : "26154CB7CEC2C55EE9CD62048C4ECF896E8BF5F3671D040DB7BAF596DD5CF5F960E2C10DBF7D71EBF030C6E1269292F65E700E1361560F7D9EC6108091CBD2A2AB39BC60A23B72BB85F811E8F57B8BB4",
   "networkIds" : [
         "name" : "MYVEEVA",
         "url" : "",
         "id" : 500
   "userId" : 552,
   "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS"

Running the target subscription job

Once you've authenticated with Network, you use the session ID received from that call to start a bulk export job.

Here's the request:

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: 26154CB7CEC2C55EE9CD62048C4ECF896E8BF5F3671D040\

The export_archive option specifies that export files should be split to avoid job timeouts. The maximum file size with this option set is 1GB.

The result provides the job ID required for later steps:

    "job_id" : 1126,
    "responseStatus" : "SUCCESS"

The export job is now running.

Retrieving the target subscription job status

Depending on the size and type of the job, you might want to check the target job's status.

For this step, you'll need the system name, subscription name, and the job ID produced in the previous step.

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 26154CB7CEC2C55EE9CD62048C4ECF896E8BF5F3671D040\

This produces the following result:


The status indicates that the job has completed successfully, and returns summaries for exported records.

Files for each entity are split automatically at 1GB intervals, and file names in turn are incremented by one; for example, hcp_0000.csv, hcp_0001.csv, and so on.

Retrieve the target subscription job results

Once your target subscription job has completed successfully, you can retrieve the contents of the files, or artifacts, for each entity exported in the job.

For this call, you'll need the job ID and file name produced in the previous steps; for example, to retrieve the HCPs from the target subscription job, you use the file name hcp_0000.csv produced in the previous step:

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 2C2EE0B28E170EFEFEE94EC86F632CA01918905AC2E5E8\
/job/68230/hcp_0000.csv > verteo_hcp_export.csv

This call outputs the contents of the export for HCPs to a local file named verteo_hcp_export.csv which you can open and view.

Sample results

"243090311377585154","Lori Lynn",,"Baylor","I","US","RN","VALID"
"243143545802720257","Iara","Del Mar","Iglesias","A","OBG","MD","VALID"

Repeat this step for each artifact as needed.

System settings

The system settings API enables you to retrieve values for system settings. Currently, this API supports retrieval of the geolocation setting.

Retrieve system settings

This API enables you to retrieve the value for the geolocation system setting.

Endpoint URL


  • DNS - is the URL for your API service
  • version - is the API version
  • settingKey - The setting to retrieve a value for. Currently only is supported.
The status of the response.
The value for the system setting.
An array of errors.
  • type - The error type.
  • message - A detailed message for the error type. This message is subject to change and is not contractual for error handling.
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: 57696C6C205261...6368204C6F7368"

About entity types

Network uses the following entity or object types:

Top-level entity types
HCP, HCO, and custom objects (for example, TERRITORY__C, ROSTER_MEMBER__C, and so on)
Sub-object entity types

License, Address, Relationship (Parent HCOs), child objects (custom child objects)

About the vid_key

The vid_key is a unique identifier for any record that comes from the client application. This special key enables you to uniquely specify a record in Network by using any of the key identifiers that were used to build that record.

The vid_key format is composed of the following fields, separated by a colon:

  • custom_key_source_type__v - The source type specified when the data is loaded (for example, Network, VCRM, HDS, SHA, AMA).
  • custom_key_item_type__v - The type of item this key is for. This is used to discriminate between duplicate IDs that are meant for different objects. For example, a data source may have used tables with incrementing IDs for both addresses and license data, which means you could have two records with an ID of 1.
  • custom_key_value__v - The value of the key itself.

The vid_key for an HCP that was loaded from an existing Veeva CRM system could look like this, for example:


Network supports the vid_key as long as it has the proper format.

For more efficient and faster processing, you should use the vid_key composed from Network when possible. The vid_key format for all the network entities is always as follows:

  • HCO or HCP entity key - Network:Entity:{vid__v}
  • Address key - Network:Address:{vid__v}
  • License key - Network:License:{vid__v}
  • Parent HCO key - Network:ParentHCO:{vid__v}

Custom objects

The vid_key for a custom object can be defined using the following methods:

  • using the custom key: {custom_key_source_type}:{custom_key_item_type__v}:{custom_key_value__v}, for example, vcrm:Publications__C:a29q0000002dr8y1AA
  • using the Network entity ID (VID): Network:Entity:919156929878115328

Finding the key

The fields that make up the vid_key are concatenated in a single field called custom_key_vid_key__v. This field appears many times when a search API call is made.

The correct one to use for HCPs and HCOs is:

entities --> entity --> custom_keys__v --> custom_key_vid_key__v


The response of every API call includes a field called responseStatus. Possible values are:

  • SUCCESS - The API request was successfully processed.

  • FAILURE - The API request could not be processed because of user error.

  • EXCEPTION - The API request could not be processed because of a system error.

For a responseStatus other than SUCCESS, users can inspect the errors field in the response. Each error includes the following fields:

type - The specific type of error; for example, INVALID_DATA or METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED. See the list of the most common types below. These values are not subject to change for a given version of the API, even when newer versions of the API are available.

message - The message accompanying each error type; for example, The request is invalid. Please verify that the requested URL, method and parameters are correct. When available, the error message includes the specific reason for the error. These messages are subject to change and are not contractual parts for error handling. Developers should consider error messages for debugging and troubleshooting purposes only and should not implement application logic which relies on specific error strings or formatting.

When Network processes an API request, it returns an HTTP response status code of 200. If Network returns a response status code other than 200, it is likely due to connectivity problems, and you should contact your IT team. You should base your logic on the responseStatus field and error types, rather than the HTTP response status codes.

   "networkId": 3,
   "sessionId": "1BDDF2B9DB53279C105B0D534B630FDAF68655D68EAA23B65C404FE96E607C44",
   "networkIds": [
         "url": "",
         "name": "Example Network",
         "id": 3
   "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"
   "responseStatus": "FAILURE",
   "errors": [
         "type": "NO_PASSWORD_PROVIDED",
         "message": "No password was provided for the login call."

Error types


The user does not have access to the instance in the specified domain.


The API user does not have permissions to use records from the submitted country.


The submitted country is not recognized. Ensure that you use Network codes when sending country information.


The change request key is already associated with another change request.


Invalid data was provided in the API call.


The specified system could not be found.


A required value is missing.


Certain rules required for this operation have not been met.


Required parameters are missing from the API call.


The subscription is disabled and cannot be run.


No password was provided for the login call.


A password change is required.


The user is locked out. Learn more about user account lockout in Network Help.


Authentication failed because an invalid user name or password was provided.


The user does not have sufficient privileges to perform the action.


The specified resource cannot be found.


The specified resources does not support the method (POST, PUT, GET, DELETE) or the API request is not supported by this version of the API.


An invalid session ID was provided.


General error; occurs when there is no specific error or an unidentified error.


If the following title isn't the topic you want to provide feedback for, update the topic name in the Topic field.

Provide your feedack for the topic.